Tagged: mashups

CFP – First international workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2010) 4,037

CFP – First international workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2010)

The first WoT workshop is still out, so prepare your submissions, because we have assembled an exceptional committee to discuss this essential topic! Check out the official workshop website. -= CALL FOR PAPERS =- First International Workshop the Web of Things (WoT 2010) in conjunction with the 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2010), Mannheim, Germany Website: http://www.webofthings.com/wot/2010 Paper submission deadline: October 18, 2009 November 15, 2009 Notification of acceptance: December 21, 2009 Camera-ready papers due: January 29, 2010 The world of embedded devices has experienced radical changes over the past few years as real-world objects...

Gateway unleashed! 5,796

Gateway unleashed!

I’ve presented yesterday in Los Angeles a talk on the gateways I’ve been talking about for months. Okay, actually I didn’t physically present it for logistical reasons, as I’m totally in Europe. But the paper is supposed to be out in the proceedings, so I thought I should share it with you. For now still not much code to play with 🙁 Read the abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks provide unprecedented possibilities for monitoring and interacting with the real-world. Unfortunately, the lack of open and simple standards for ad-hoc collaboration between heterogeneous embedded devices makes it difficult to build large-scale deployments;...

Talk at UNI lugano 5,325

Talk at UNI lugano

A couple of weeks back, we gave a talk with Dom at the University of Lugano. Besides, being a lovely cosy university in a wonderful place, we had a great time discussing with Cesare Pautasso and his colleague Francesco Lelli, a physicist working at CERN and Uni. Lugano. We had an interesting discussion with Francesco, who is specialized in grid computing, and he told us how they have used REST at CERN. The main ideas are summarized in these papers: [1] F. Lelli and C. Pautasso The Tiny Instrument Element Project In proc of 4th International Conference on Grid and...

Web Enablement of Sensor Networks: INSS 2009 8,108

Web Enablement of Sensor Networks: INSS 2009

Dear folks, People have been asking for more “scientific” and concrete material to be posted on WOT. Hence this post which is about a paper that we got accepted for INSS 2009 here is a summary of what it talks about: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have promising industrial applications, since they reduce the gap between traditional enterprise systems and the real world. However, every particular application requires complex integration work, and therefore technical expertise, effort and time which prevents users from creating small tactical, ad-hoc applications using sensor networks. Following the success of Web 2.0  “mashups”, we propose a similar...

Operational Challenges and Solutions for Mashups – An Experience Report 2,925

Operational Challenges and Solutions for Mashups – An Experience Report

Frederic Majer, Martin Nussbaumer and Patrick Freudenstein Operational Challenges and Solutions for Mashups – An Experience Report Frederic held the last presentation of this year’s MEM 2009. He starts by explaining how mashups often do not really mature. Operation and maintenance is a challenge and is often simply not considered which prevents mashup to turn into real and often-used applications. He explains how he will this paper describe general operational challenges from a provider’s perspective and present dedicated models and processes focusing on providing sufficient service level agreements. He introduces the CampusMap mashup which helps people finding their way on...


Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices @ MEM 2009

Dominique Guinard and Vlad Trifa, Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices Dominique Guinard presents this paper. (You might wonder how I manage to both present it and blog about it, well this is thanks to Ghislain Fourny who wrote a summary of my talk). After introducing a couple of smart objects and noticing that the audience is uncool as nobody has a Poken, Dominique asks how we are going to deal with the 1000+ smart objects each person is going to have within the next 5 to 10 years. Communicating with these objects could be made...

SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace 4,913

SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace

Volker Hoyer (again ;-)), Florian Gilles, Kathrin Fleischmann, Alexander Dreiling and Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva present the RoofTop mashup tool. Volker is on the scene again, this time demoing RoofTop, a mashup editor for enterprise mashups. Volker compares the steps toward building a mashup to those on the market place: Knowledge, Intention, Contract or Design and Settlement. This is also the way RoofTop is structured. He starts the demo by explaining how you can search for widgets either by browsing the catalogue or by means of keywords this is the so called-knowledge phase. The next phase is intention, that’s when the user...

Towards an Advertising Business Model for Composable Web Services 919

Towards an Advertising Business Model for Composable Web Services

Michiaki Tatsubori from IBM presents: Towards an Advertising Business Model for Composable Web Services. Internet advertising is still really growing, slowly advertisers drift from traditional media like TV to the web where customization is more accessible. Michiaki presents an example of a mashup service that consume several public transportation timetables to enable users querying a single tool to go from one point to the other. He explains how this type of mashups actually kill the ads (and thus an important source of revenue for service providers) since the ads displayed for the composing services do not appear in the final...

Mobile Web Widgets: Enabler of Enterprise Mobility Work 3,772

Mobile Web Widgets: Enabler of Enterprise Mobility Work

Alison Lee from Nokia Research is talking about mobility and mashups focusing on how mobile web widgets can enable more efficient and sense-making enterprise work while on the go. Mobile widgets are very lightweight applications similar to mashups. They offer to use content on the web, just like mashups, but also content from your mobile phone such as data coming from on-board sensors, address books, messages, etc. Unfortunately mobile widgets platforms are rather proprietary and incompatible amongst the vendors. Efforts at the W3C are going towards a standard for mobile widgets which could really help towards more homogeneity. Alison then...

Elucidating the Mashup Hype: Definition, Challenges, Methodical Guide and Tools for Mashups 1,077

Elucidating the Mashup Hype: Definition, Challenges, Methodical Guide and Tools for Mashups

Elucidating the Mashup Hype: Definition, Challenges, Methodicla Guide and Tools for Mashups by Victoria Torres from the Universidad Politecnica de Vlencia at MEM 2009. There is no clear definition of what a mashup is. It’s about data processing, reuse, Web 2.0 (especially the do-it-yourself part). Victoria provides an essay of definition: “Web-based applications that is created by combining and processing on-line third party resources, resources that contribute with data, presentation and functionality”. She goes on with comparing traditional SOAs and Mashups. Basically, the differences are in the contract, for mashup usually no formal definition (Dom: do you guys agree with...