Category: Random

About all the rest, in particular ideas, things to try. Really a notebook thingy.


What are the key drivers of the IoT movement? Why now?

As O’Reilly Solid 2014 grows ever closer, Tim O’Reilly founder of O’Reilly Media took to Reddit for an Ask Me Anything Q & A session to drum up discussions around issues and ideas that may be of prominence in attendee’s minds come mid May. After reviewing these exchanges, we thought – what a perfect opportunity to look at some of the key topics and catalyse the conversations surrounding those topics, in the build up to the event!


The digital horizon: A connected, adaptive, intelligent landscape for business’

As proud media partners of O’Reilly Solid 2014, we thought we’d fuel some discussion on an area of particular interest to us, before it all kicks off next month. The topic we decided to look at was how the Internet of Things will impact business processes in the future, as one of the more interesting and significant challenges facing modern business, we thought, what better place to start?


WoT eBay Collections Series Launch: Smart Lamps

Today sees the launch of “Collections” – eBay’s newest feature that allows its members to curate products around certain themes or ideas – and Web of Things are proud to have helped EVRYTHNG contribute 12 Internet of Things Collections as part of the initial launch campaign.


I saw the future of M2M in Budapest: smart vending machines!

A few days ago, we presented our newly launched developer portal for the EVRYTHNG Engine at the M2M Partner Event in Budapest organized by Deutsche Telekom. The event took place in the Hungarian Railway Museum, and I gave a talk in a lovely 19th century wagon, which was (retro-)fitted with a plasma screen (I’d have preferred air-conditioning considering 20 brains steaming in such a tiny “room”).


WoT Nuggets – 10 October 2012

One thing I love when taking the pulse of the blogosphere, is the four short links series posted by Nat Torkington on O’Reilly’s Radar. Every day, four interesting links/resources carefully handpicked are presented, along with a short description. That’s the perfect daily fix to see what’s happening around and make sure not to miss the headlines of the day or simply some cool/nerdy/geeky links. Unfortunately, there is nothing like that for the Web of Thing world, so I thought it would be great to start it today on the WoT blog. Ok. Maybe not every day though.


What have you been up to? viagra prices There is an unfortunate inverted relationship between the blogging capacity of a team and its capacity to actually make things happen, a relationship that we currently had to deal with! 🙂


Stop Reading this Blog, Start Implementing the Web of Things!

Yes, we know, we promised that this blog wouldn’t turn into the marketing front-end of the company we co-founded (EVRYTHNG for the slower ones…). However, when looking for developers what better place could we reach for than the one where you, our readers who build the WoT on a daily basis, are coming to daily… So if you like coding Java for the Web? Babbling Javascript/Python/PHP? Have RESTful dreams? Want your fridge to talk to your online toaster about how that toast doesn’t look good? Like Zurich? And read this blog! Then why not working for us! We are hiring...


Important announcement – we joined EVRYTHNG Ltd.

Dear readers, today we have an important announcement to make: we both finished our PhDs, so are now officially “doctors” ;). But the important part is that we’ve teamed up with entrepreneurs Niall Murphy (founder of WiFi network The Cloud, acquired by BSkyB last year) and Andy Hobsbawm (founder of Online Magic, which later became to form a very cool venture called EVRYTHNG, that is working in the area of Web of Things! You bet! Dom has taken upon the role of Chief Technology Officer, while mine is Chief Product Officer. EVRYTHNG is funded by the awesome Atomico (Skype’s Niklas...


Google X Working on the Web of Things? Should we Like it or Fear it?

Update: There is a pretty relevant discussion about that going on in the Web of Things LinkedIn group, make sure your check it out! Yes, the news came out a few days ago through the New York Times: At Google X, where he is working on the Web of things, according to people familiar with his role, he has the mysterious title of rapid evaluator So Google might well be working on the Web of Things. We, we kind of guessed already, through project like the Android at Home (which is you ask me is definitely missing the “Web” of...


So? What’s going on guys?

Folks, we’re both sorry for having been totally silent for the last few weeks (ok, months…) but this was for a very good reason: we finally both finished writing our PhD theses a few days ago (yaay)!!! This means we have officially sent the final draft of our thesis to our committee, and are now preparing for our final defense (Dom’s on the 15th August, mine 2 weeks later, on the 26.8). Then (if all works according to the plan) we’ll be both become doctors of science (how cool is that!). Then we’ll be both doing our civil service (something...