Category: Random

Updates 451


People, please do not worry! Dom & are still alive and well. The lack of activity is not due to us becoming reasonable and getting a real job to feed our 75 children. No, we just have been working like wild animals on the 17 paper deadlines we have daily, but it’s okay. Life is beautiful. At the end of this month we’ll be alive again and less multitasking deadlines. I’ll just post some quick news for now, and more deep (read philosphignical). I’ve stumbled upon yesterday on the website of the Sensor Web alliance, and this seems quite cool....

and … a bit of History… 213

and … a bit of History…

My turn to Welcome you (Vlad’s always first, gosh that guy is just too quick for me!) to the Web of Things (or WOT for the insiders). We’ve been talking about that blog for almost a year now but a number and we’ve been working for an even longer while on topics around the Web of Things. I started in 2006 by exploring the wide world of RFID there already, rather than looking at connecting one reader to a computer we explored ways of considering a global world of tagged objects being observed at a million places a day. Back...

Welcome 508


This is the first post on the Web of Things. Yeah, our vision is finally alive. We will be talking about new products, technologies, devices, and everything related to physical computing. The About page will give you more info of what we’re talking here. We really hope this web site will strive and provide a solid platform where geeks, tinkerers, practitioners, interaction designers, business people, and anyone else interested in the Web of Things can exchange ideas and build the next generation of the Web. We plan to be more than just a blog, a real place where new technologies...