Category: Research

COAP draft available! 1,041

COAP draft available!

Fresh out of the box, COAP draft is available since ahem… a couple of hours (self-pride for my timing as you can notice). This is definitely for me, us, and you all a definite pace for mankind – a solid and viable proof that the WoT is coming, and a very nice Christmas present. What is COAP I hear you saying? From the draft: The use of web services on the Internet has become ubiquitous in most applications, and depends on the basic REST architecture of the web. The proposed Constrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) working group aims at extending the...

Energie Visible: Live and Free! 1,257

Energie Visible: Live and Free!

After being asked by several members of WoT the community and beyond to release the Energie Visible prototype, we finally managed to find the time to package it and now give it for free on the Web! To recap: the Energie Visible project aims at making the your energy consumption … visible! We created a page to host the application, you’ll find the latest version and additional info there. Note that it currently only works with the Bluetooth Ploggs and on Windows (XP or later). The bundle you download there basically contains two applications. First is contains a Web of...

Fellow Researchers, let’s Unite! 684

Fellow Researchers, let’s Unite!

This Sunday (15th of November) is the deadline for submitting to the first International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2010). We would like to invite you to participate to this event by submitting a contribution about your current project(s) in that field. WoT 2010 is also a unique occasion to share experiences in the field as well as to bootstrap a Web of Things scientific community. Note that we also welcome demonstration papers reporting about your latest prototypes of things integrated to the Web or Web applications using sensor networks, embedded devices or real-world data. Looking forward to...

REST-*, oh my … They Dared! 1,182

REST-*, oh my … They Dared!

In an attempt to “standardize” REST a little more, Red Hat is launching an open alliance and community towards creating standards for RESTful Web Services (hem aren’t RESTful Web Services already implemented using some standards like… HTTP :-)) Of course this is of interest to our Web of Things community since we definitely foster the use of REST towards a architecture to integrate things to the Web (see paper and that whitepaper for instance). However it seems like the REST-* initiative is also generating a lot of unhappy people amongst the RESTians. One of the reason is that they fear...

Architecting the Web of Things @ WoT 2010 868

Architecting the Web of Things @ WoT 2010

Dear all, As hinted a little while ago (see this post!) we are proud to officially announce the first International Workshop on the Web of Things. Following on the success of our workshop at Lift 2009 we decided a little while ago to organize a similar event but targeted a little more towards the scientific community. The idea of this workshop is to attract researchers and practitioners from both the web/web engineering field and the ubicomp/pervasive computing field. The motto of this first edition is “Architecting the Web of Things”, thus we are expecting contributions (papers) defining the basis of...

Gateway unleashed! 263

Gateway unleashed!

I’ve presented yesterday in Los Angeles a talk on the gateways I’ve been talking about for months. Okay, actually I didn’t physically present it for logistical reasons, as I’m totally in Europe. But the paper is supposed to be out in the proceedings, so I thought I should share it with you. For now still not much code to play with 🙁 Read the abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks provide unprecedented possibilities for monitoring and interacting with the real-world. Unfortunately, the lack of open and simple standards for ad-hoc collaboration between heterogeneous embedded devices makes it difficult to build large-scale deployments;...

Research plan for Pervasive 2009 967

Research plan for Pervasive 2009

Folks, I’m currently drafting my final research plan for my phd based on the input I got from various sources (thanks to all who helped me with that). That reminds me that I actually went to Japan to publish my initial research plan, and as it’s under press anyway, I put it here so that you can read all read it (and YES, give me more feedback about it). Of course, the current one is so much better (and I’m soo modest), but anyway it contains some scientific basis of my current research so that you have a better idea...

WoT keynote (and clones :) 883

WoT keynote (and clones :)

I never know if I need to be happy or sad when I see other people mentioning WoT. Don’t get me wrong: I’m totally happy to see people pushing forward the same ideas we have here, make them better, build upon them and reuse them for their own projects. One year ago, most people I talked to were like “aha, use web on devices…. but why? Why not use something made for devices?”. It didn’t sound right at that time, but when you think about a world of web enabled devices, then you can see tons of bulbs turning on....

WOT white paper 1,360

WOT white paper

That’s what we can call sporadic posting, lots of goodies today 🙂 But the best of them is the WOT whitepaper, about the general vision. It’s short, a little geeky, but has the vision and motivation in it. In a few words we hope people can a little better understand what the WOT is all about. We plan to do a few more of those guys, in particular the elevator pitch for business people, and another one like a tech report for total geeks (guess which one we prefer), but for now it’s an initial milestone that should at least...

Web Enablement of Sensor Networks: INSS 2009 972

Web Enablement of Sensor Networks: INSS 2009

Dear folks, People have been asking for more “scientific” and concrete material to be posted on WOT. Hence this post which is about a paper that we got accepted for INSS 2009 here is a summary of what it talks about: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have promising industrial applications, since they reduce the gap between traditional enterprise systems and the real world. However, every particular application requires complex integration work, and therefore technical expertise, effort and time which prevents users from creating small tactical, ad-hoc applications using sensor networks. Following the success of Web 2.0  “mashups”, we propose a similar...