Category: Random

SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace 13,895

SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace

Volker Hoyer (again ;-)), Florian Gilles, Kathrin Fleischmann, Alexander Dreiling and Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva present the RoofTop mashup tool. Volker is on the scene again, this time demoing RoofTop, a mashup editor for enterprise mashups. Volker compares the steps toward building a mashup to those on the market place: Knowledge, Intention, Contract or Design and Settlement. This is also the way RoofTop is structured. He starts the demo by explaining how you can search for widgets either by browsing the catalogue or by means of keywords this is the so called-knowledge phase. The next phase is intention, that’s when the user...

Towards an Advertising Business Model for Composable Web Services 99

Towards an Advertising Business Model for Composable Web Services

Michiaki Tatsubori from IBM presents: Towards an Advertising Business Model for Composable Web Services. Internet advertising is still really growing, slowly advertisers drift from traditional media like TV to the web where customization is more accessible. Michiaki presents an example of a mashup service that consume several public transportation timetables to enable users querying a single tool to go from one point to the other. He explains how this type of mashups actually kill the ads (and thus an important source of revenue for service providers) since the ads displayed for the composing services do not appear in the final...

WOT Team @ Web Mardi in Fribourg 466

WOT Team @ Web Mardi in Fribourg

Hi all, Sorry for being away for a while but we are actually preparing content which is going to be here soon! Anyway, that not the purpose of this post which aims at inviting all the Swiss members of WOT to a talk this evening in frame of the webmardi: This talk will take place in Fribourg (lovely place to buy cheap but goooood chocolate). It is going to be for a community of hackers and developers and thus we’ll focus it on concrete examples and implementations of the web of things’ concepts. It’s open to everyone so feel...

World Wide Web@20 1,093

World Wide Web@20

We have been last Friday at the 20th anniversary of the Web at CERN. Was a cool, kind of VIPish party with most of the guys who built the WWW in the early 90’s. We even got a demo on the NEXT computer where the first web server has been developed. Very interesting talks, quite geeky and tech-oriented, so not sure everybody really understood what it was all about, but we liked it a lot coz we’re nerds. Nicolas Nova has done a pretty cool all-around summary of the whole event, and I thought to delve a little deeper in...

On REST for devices 586

On REST for devices

One things that I don’t understand, is that most people in our field do not really like our approach, or maybe they simply don’t get it. Indeed, we’re kind of stuck between several worlds: wireless sensor networks (WSN) people that find our approach too esoteric, and HCI people that find it not enough sexy. It is a bit annoying, as people don’t take us very seriously, especially not WSN researcher. I overheard comments like “What? You want to use the Web to connect devices? hahaha! I can’t stop laughing, haha it hurts me! Come on, be serious dude! Using the...

What do you want! 1,358

What do you want!

Folks, we realize there’s slowly a cool crowd out there following us, and I’m really curious to know what you guys expect to see here. I mean this site is like so young, we’re just at the beginning, but we don’t know what you look like (are you hairy?). I mean, I’m curious to know if you’d prefer more research? More products? More design? More philosophical debates? More blabla and powerpoints to make your boss happy? More news? More naked girls pictured? Or simply more code? Would you like to see more longer articles, longer? More reviews? More research (I’ll...

LIFT Afternoon 983

LIFT Afternoon

A few running notes I took during the conference, not very elaborate, but thought would share them with you. Ramesh Srinivasan from UCLA What happens when you give technology to other people, who will use it their own way such as fisherman using mobile phones to alert family in case of natural disaster, or people who generate money with mobile phones in Africa. But what does this mean in our world, in our cultures? There are particular ways things are to be used, but people can use them for other purposes, they are locally meaningful. Ontologies for different cultures, different...

History of the Web 751

History of the Web

James Gillies: history of the Web We must write the story before everyone forgets. We can’t just write the story of the Web, as you’d have also to tell the story of hypertext, computers and PC. An early innovator was Vannevar Bush in “As we may think” (1945). Human mind associate things rather randomly. Then Doug Engelbart hypertext, in the 60’s with the first mouse, then at xerox parc people built it. Later paul baran contributed to arpanet, world’s first LAN, based with packet switching (1971). Then Network + Network + Network = Network. The idea was really that several...

Lift Day 1: Morning 51

Lift Day 1: Morning

Nicolas Nova : The recurring failure of holy grail The video phone started in the 60’s, but it was too expensive (27$ per min). Then other attempts of videophones, but still technology sucked, images were lagging. Now you still have new attempts of the video phone (Asus 2008). Another holy grail is the smart fridge. Good idea to have a screen in the fridge to watch movies or have the net, so people can check recipes. Many smart fridges have been launched, but still they are not really used. Another example is LBS, it’s been 20 years that people tried...

LIFT Workshop – FULL (and cool!!) 701

LIFT Workshop – FULL (and cool!!)

We just finished our LIFT workshop, and it WAS GREAT! Tons of interesting people from all around joined us (too many of them, so sorry for those we had to throw out). We started with a short introduction by Alexandra, Dominique, and Me about the past and the future of the internet of things. [Alex’s presentation coming soon] UPDATE: it’s here Alex’s presentation: Shhh, they’re listening, a subjective history of the Internet of Things View more presentations from Alexandra Deschamps-sonsino. (tags: lift09wot internetofthings) Dom’s presentation: From the Internet of Things to a Web of Things View more presentations from Dominique...