Category: Technology

Java card 3 released 991

Java card 3 released

SUN is about to release the newer java card 3! Quoting the wikipedia article: Java Card refers to a technology that allows small Java-based applications (applets) to be run securely on smart cards and similar small memory footprint devices. Java Card is the tiniest of Java targeted for embedded devices. Java Card gives the user ability to program the device and make them application specific. It is widely used in SIM cards (used in GSM mobile phones) and ATM cards. The first Java Card was introduced in 1996 by Schlumberger‘s card division which later merged with Gemplus to form Gemalto....

REST-*, oh my … They Dared! 997

REST-*, oh my … They Dared!

In an attempt to “standardize” REST a little more, Red Hat is launching an open alliance and community towards creating standards for RESTful Web Services (hem aren’t RESTful Web Services already implemented using some standards like… HTTP :-)) Of course this is of interest to our Web of Things community since we definitely foster the use of REST towards a architecture to integrate things to the Web (see paper and that whitepaper for instance). However it seems like the REST-* initiative is also generating a lot of unhappy people amongst the RESTians. One of the reason is that they fear...

Web hooks 585

Web hooks

Guys (& girls), check this out first I just heard about web hooks yesterday and thought it’s just something totally cool. I think it’s an excellent approach to a much more programmable web and world, especially if we think in terms of small scale, personal mashups. The idea has been around for a while and maybe hasn’t been formalized with an official terminology yet, but it’s a totally cool way to have some publish/subscribe mechanism on the Web, or better said trigger-based notifications. It’s funny that I was thinking of doing something like that, but Jeff did it a little...

Open Energy Monitor 403

Open Energy Monitor

From the original website: This is a project to develop and build a free and open source energy monitor. Energy monitoring is a key technology in building a bright and smart sustainable future. An Energy monitor is a device that enables you to look at your energy use in detail, which appliances use the most energy and when they use it. This makes using energy more efficiently easier. Definitely a cool initiative and I would love seeing more projects like this one.

WoT keynote (and clones :) 729

WoT keynote (and clones :)

I never know if I need to be happy or sad when I see other people mentioning WoT. Don’t get me wrong: I’m totally happy to see people pushing forward the same ideas we have here, make them better, build upon them and reuse them for their own projects. One year ago, most people I talked to were like “aha, use web on devices…. but why? Why not use something made for devices?”. It didn’t sound right at that time, but when you think about a world of web enabled devices, then you can see tons of bulbs turning on....

WOT white paper 1,117

WOT white paper

That’s what we can call sporadic posting, lots of goodies today 🙂 But the best of them is the WOT whitepaper, about the general vision. It’s short, a little geeky, but has the vision and motivation in it. In a few words we hope people can a little better understand what the WOT is all about. We plan to do a few more of those guys, in particular the elevator pitch for business people, and another one like a tech report for total geeks (guess which one we prefer), but for now it’s an initial milestone that should at least...

Homecamp anyone? 1,026

Homecamp anyone?

We’ll be going (okay, I’ll be going) to homecamp this saturday in London and hopefully present a quick and dirty demo of what we’re currently doing a with some real devices. Of course, we were supposed to have the LHC with us and a crew of flash programmers to do a kick ass-demo. But we didn’t. So I’ll just bring a “work in progress fast prototype” of what we have currently to show the potentials of WOT (such as some rfid-enabled websites, a physical mashup of energy consumption, and some curl to get data from sensor nets). There were supposed...

Why is the Web Loosely Coupled? A Multi-Faceted Metric for Service Design 500

Why is the Web Loosely Coupled? A Multi-Faceted Metric for Service Design

Why is the Web Loosely Coupled? A Multi-Faceted Metric for Service Design by Cesare Pautasso and Erik Wilde. Dom: Just for the records, I have to admit that this paper is clearly amongst my top five for 2009. It’s a paper we can use and cite quite a lot in frame of our web of things projects in order to justify our design choices. Cesare begins by asking the audience whether WSDL is loosely-coupled? Most people said no which kind of crashed Cesare’s effect (Dom: I guess many people like me pre-read the paper ;-)). Some aspects of WSDL go...

Creating Personal Mobile Widgets without Programming 702

Creating Personal Mobile Widgets without Programming

Developer track at WWW 2009: Creating Personal Mobile Widgets without Programming by Geetha Manjunath, Thara S, Hitesh Bosamiya, Santhi Guntupalli, Vinay Kumar and Ragu Raman G. from HP Labs. Geetha starts by explaining that people want widgets for very specified tasks, she’s talking about several tasks on the virtual world but then also mentions that we might want to use widgets to control appliances and possibly embedded device (Dom: I agree with her 😉 Dom again: but she did not elaborate on this later in the talk). She introduces the concept of Tasklets, which are task-based web interaction patterns. As...


Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices @ MEM 2009

Dominique Guinard and Vlad Trifa, Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices Dominique Guinard presents this paper. (You might wonder how I manage to both present it and blog about it, well this is thanks to Ghislain Fourny who wrote a summary of my talk). After introducing a couple of smart objects and noticing that the audience is uncool as nobody has a Poken, Dominique asks how we are going to deal with the 1000+ smart objects each person is going to have within the next 5 to 10 years. Communicating with these objects could be made...