Category: Random

What Exactly is the R in Resource-Oriented-Architectures? 427

What Exactly is the R in Resource-Oriented-Architectures?

As all of you know, one of the core concept of the Web of Things is design of RESTful things, that is having embedded devices proposing their services in a Resource-Oriented manner. Today, once again, somebody was asking me but what is exactly a resource? Well good question! We all know (hem) what an Object is in Object Oriented Programming, we all know (hem HEM, yeah right!) what a service is in Service Oriented Architectures but what is a resource in a ROA? I had this discussion with a good friend of mine (and a very good OO architect!) let’s...

Talk at UNI lugano 1,115

Talk at UNI lugano

A couple of weeks back, we gave a talk with Dom at the University of Lugano. Besides, being a lovely cosy university in a wonderful place, we had a great time discussing with Cesare Pautasso and his colleague Francesco Lelli, a physicist working at CERN and Uni. Lugano. We had an interesting discussion with Francesco, who is specialized in grid computing, and he told us how they have used REST at CERN. The main ideas are summarized in these papers: [1] F. Lelli and C. Pautasso The Tiny Instrument Element Project In proc of 4th International Conference on Grid and...

Home 2.0 – Volume 1 – Overview 481

Home 2.0 – Volume 1 – Overview

I would like to share in this post one of my fetishistic passion: the subtle combination of perverse interior design (read slick, minimalist, a la Apple) and high-tech home automation. In contrast to the depiction of the house of the future in science fiction (see the Monstanto house videos hereafter), I actually didn’t see many home automation solutions that people like you and me can (or would) buy. That Jetsonian ideal of an all automated, fully-networked smart house remains what you see at fairs, not in a house. Domotics are not yet main stream products you find at Best Buy (or...

Homecamp recap 640

Homecamp recap

As mentioned in some previous post, I attended a couple of weeks ago homecamp in London. The event was awesome and I had good times discussing with the folks over there. I loved the un-conference form as it allows people to show up, set up a demo (like I did ), do a talk (like I did). On the other hand, as it is very chaotic we don’t really know what’s going on and when. I wished to have had the opportunity to discuss more in detail with the people in a more relaxed way, though. Thanks for the organizers...

LOCA2009 – Selected talks series 21

LOCA2009 – Selected talks series

Yep, that’s right, selected just for you! Oh forgot to tell you about the little present we got from IBM, a travel alarm clock and body fat analyzer in one! Never seen that combination in a single device yet (and this little jerk machine reminds me sadly that I should really do some more sports). Sadly no iphone/nike iPod connectivity yet 😉 Improving Location Fingerprinting through Motion Detection and Asynchronous Interval Labeling – Philipp Bolliger (ETH Zurich, CH); Kurt Partridge (PARC, US); Maurice Chu (PARC, US); Marc Langheinrich (University of Lugano (USI), CH) My ETH colleague Philipp Bolliger started with...

LOCA 09 – Live from Shibuya 767

LOCA 09 – Live from Shibuya

I’m live blogging from the International Symposium on Location and Context Awareness (LOCA2009) in Shibuya, Tokyo (Japan, just in case). What a lovely venue. After seeting my laptop in an overly heated room (or totally un-air-conditionned). It’s around 80°C right now. The keynote was by Atsushi Shionozaki, the CTO from Koozyt (which comes from virtual and real merging), a spinoff from the SONY CSL, based on the PlaceEngine. It’s a location engine that uses WiFi signals to locate yourself. There are two types of PlaceEngine: online and offline. They have a DB of 1 mio access points, which takes about...

Awesome news! 773

Awesome news!

All the medias in the world are talking about it, but we didn’t yet. We have an awesome announcement to.. well.. announce. Last week while Dom was busy eating churros and discussing about twittering chimpanzees, he was also preparing to go to a little village in Switzerland because he was told to go there for Energissima. But why? Because his project Energie Visible has won the Jade Nature award (and 10k chf with it), out of 20 other selected projects! The Jade Nature award recompenses an innovating project in the area of sustainability and protection of the environment. And that’s...

WWW 09: Keynote: Tim Berners Lee: Reflecting on 20 years of the world wide web. 448

WWW 09: Keynote: Tim Berners Lee: Reflecting on 20 years of the world wide web.

Keynote: Tim Berners Lee: Reflecting on 20 years of the world wide web. Note by Dom: as usual this is not a real transcript but a mashup of a summary and my own interpretation of the talk. Tim starts by talking about the program of www 2009 and in particular he sees that: Search and search optimization has a big place.Advertising science is also appearing as an important topic, which shows the tendency to also study how to efficiently monetarize the Web.The move to the mobile web is also definitely reflected in this year’s program. He then moves on talking...

A Web Mashup for Social Libraries 342

A Web Mashup for Social Libraries

Domenico Gendarmi and Filippo Lanubile talk about a Web Mashup for Social Libraries. The goal of Domenico’s project (Colibrary) is to provide a web API to reuse content in the digital library domain. Domenico’s provides us with a system overview. For books you input an ISBN which is searched for on various book indexes (such as Amazon, etc.) and the Colibrary creates an RDF description of the book. Colibrary provides the same system for publications and papers, it queries databases such as Citeulike, bibsonomy, ACM digital library and creates an RDF description of the publication. Domenico then elaborates on the...

Operational Challenges and Solutions for Mashups – An Experience Report 61

Operational Challenges and Solutions for Mashups – An Experience Report

Frederic Majer, Martin Nussbaumer and Patrick Freudenstein Operational Challenges and Solutions for Mashups – An Experience Report Frederic held the last presentation of this year’s MEM 2009. He starts by explaining how mashups often do not really mature. Operation and maintenance is a challenge and is often simply not considered which prevents mashup to turn into real and often-used applications. He explains how he will this paper describe general operational challenges from a provider’s perspective and present dedicated models and processes focusing on providing sufficient service level agreements. He introduces the CampusMap mashup which helps people finding their way on...