Author: Vlad Trifa

Liveblog – Internet des Objets workshop 47

Liveblog – Internet des Objets workshop

Today, Dominique and I went to Sierre for a meeting on the Internet of Things. It was hosted by at the technoark at Sierre and their activities. It’s a startup incubator with around 10 statups working on ICTs. Daniel Kaplan introduced the IoT. Cameras are a rich sensors that shall be integrated, on top of which different applications could be run (motion and people recognition). The Web came out from its virtual world and is integrating real objects. This brought us to the concept of cities? It’s about public places and the notion of information sharing, who is able to...

Updates 697


People, please do not worry! Dom & are still alive and well. The lack of activity is not due to us becoming reasonable and getting a real job to feed our 75 children. No, we just have been working like wild animals on the 17 paper deadlines we have daily, but it’s okay. Life is beautiful. At the end of this month we’ll be alive again and less multitasking deadlines. I’ll just post some quick news for now, and more deep (read philosphignical). I’ve stumbled upon yesterday on the website of the Sensor Web alliance, and this seems quite cool....

Talk at Liip 663

Talk at Liip

Oh, that’s a good topic to start the new year (a little late okay)! Happy new year anyway! We just gave a talk on the Web of Things, over at the folks from liip, a cool swiss Web development company with whom we share common interests (i.e. making the Web cooler). The slides of the talk are online: intro & demo (@Dom: put your slides here dude, UPDATE: It’s down there dude! :-)). Too many things to present in such a short time, but we hope this would lead to further discussions (and hopefully collaborations) with Web developers, to learn...

Welcome 875


This is the first post on the Web of Things. Yeah, our vision is finally alive. We will be talking about new products, technologies, devices, and everything related to physical computing. The About page will give you more info of what we’re talking here. We really hope this web site will strive and provide a solid platform where geeks, tinkerers, practitioners, interaction designers, business people, and anyone else interested in the Web of Things can exchange ideas and build the next generation of the Web. We plan to be more than just a blog, a real place where new technologies...