Author: Dominique Guinard

Interacting with Smart Objects: a Workshop 33

Interacting with Smart Objects: a Workshop

A few weeks ago we were talking about the importance of evaluating WoT applications with real-users as they might(/surely do) have expectations that are tremendously different to our geeky notion of what are useful applications of a Web of Things. Well today I wanted to share with you a venue that might go towards this directly as it is specifically looking at HCI and human aspects of smart things, enjoy the CFP: ========================================================== Workshop on Interacting with Smart Objects at IUI 2011 Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA February 13th 2011 ========================================================== THEME ——- There is this undeniable ongoing...

Mashing Up our Web-Enabled Homes 27

Mashing Up our Web-Enabled Homes

Imagine every home appliance being 1) IPv6 enabled 2) RESTful, imagine the tools you could create on top of such an eco-system! In particular, imagine the idea of “physical mashups” becoming a reality in our homes sweet homes: creating simple, ad-hoc applications on top of your appliances as easily as you can create Web 2.0 (virtual) mashups nowadays. The dream of every hacker and tech-saavy? Well at least one of our dreams (and part of my Ph.D. by the way ;-))! Well a dream that we have been trying to demonstrate and implement lately. The outcome is two papers. In...

Call for Papers: LocWeb 2010 3

Call for Papers: LocWeb 2010

Seems like the call for papers-season is opened again 🙂 Here is the CFP of the already well-known LocWeb workshop, an important Workshop for the Web of Things as location is certainly the most important and valuable context information for Web-enabled smart things! ******************************************************************** *** 2nd Call for Papers: LocWeb 2010 *** ******************************************************************** Third International Workshop on Location and the Web (LocWeb 2010) Tokyo, Japan, November 29, 2010 Co-located with Internet of Things 2010 (IoT 2010) Twitter: @LocWeb2010 ( The Third International Workshop on Location and the Web (LocWeb 2010) focuses on research and development that targets the...

Web of Things @ SXSW 2011? 6

Web of Things @ SXSW 2011?

Some of you might remember/have attended our SXSW 2010 workshop. Well we enjoyed giving it so much that we decided to come up with two brand new proposals for this year’s SXSW! The Real-World as a Web API is our first proposal: The world of “physical devices” such as home appliances/electronics, real-time city data, RFID-tagged objects, mobile phones, etc. has long been longing for a seamless and universal integration platform. Out of a great number of heavy-and-not-so-great middleware a surprising one is emerging: the Web! In this presentation we would like to show how Web developers might well be the...

Touch the Web 2010 @ ICWE 2010 279

Touch the Web 2010 @ ICWE 2010

A few days ago I had the chance to participate to the “touch the Web 2010” workshop. The goals of the workshop were rather similar to the ones of WoT 2010 however, rather than being hosted at a Ubicomp/Pervasive venue, Touch the Web was collocated with ICWE2010, a pure Web engineering conference. The most surprising fact was probably how close the two communities are getting. Web people are increasingly interested in embedded/physical/sensor computing, and on the other hand, pervasive people are getting more and more convinced that the Web protocols as not so bad after all (take this paper for...

Java and the Web of Things 49

Java and the Web of Things

Coming back from Jazoon, a conference that some people see as the European version of Java One. Since this conference is for me a nice concentrate of what’s coming in the Java/OO/Business software world, I wanted to report a little on what I’ve seen there and what this implies/offers in a Web of Things context. Let’s be modular As last year, modularity was a BIG keyword. The Java community has acknowledged the success of OSGi and is looking for a somewhat closer integration of these concepts. The Language Support for Modular Programming (JSR 294) will be part of Java 7...

Healing the WoT Feed! 3

Healing the WoT Feed!

Dear readers, A few days ago we missed being listed here because our feed was ill (a weird, non ASCII char appeared in one of the posts)! I gave it some steroids and while at it moved it to an Atom feed. For a RESTifarian community as such as ours, it was somewhat weird to actually support RSS and not Atom and its great, RESTful, AtomPub protocol. Now, since I moved the default Atom, subscribed members might have some problems, many (only?) in the case they use a bad feed client. Thus if you suddenly are not able to see...

WoT 2010 and WoT 2011? 71

WoT 2010 and WoT 2011?

Update: Check out WoT 2011 at Pervasive 2011 Since we came back from WoT 2010 about a month ago, I’ve been wanting to post a small wrap up about it. So let’s really do it before WoT 2011 takes place 🙂 Before WoT The idea of launching the WoT workshop came from discussion with our Professor Friedemann Mattern and Erik Wilde from UC Berkeley. The main goal of the event was to bring together researchers interested in the Web of Things concepts and bootstrap a scientific community on the topic. We got a total of 28 papers and 5 demo...

Sharing Using Social Networks in a Composable Web of Things 2

Sharing Using Social Networks in a Composable Web of Things

A few weeks ago I posted about a project we currently work on for sharing web-enabled things using social networks. During WoT 2010 (which I’ll wrap up here soon!) I had the chance to present it and got quite a good feedback. People where mainly wondering about the scalability of such a system. If an access controller such as SAC was to be implemented for every “thing” how would that scale? We discussed its deployment on platforms such as Google Appengine which are highly scalable. We also talked about distributed versions of SAC. People also had concerns about the “user-friendliness”...

Internet developers day – part 1 23

Internet developers day – part 1

I was invited today at the Internet Developer summit (#devkon) (thanks for the invite Reto), to present our vision and work on the Web of Things. I’ll try to blog as much as I can because it’s a lot of tips & tricks for internet developers, and the program is juicy. Sorry for the random notes, hopefully it’s usable enough (not only it was great so I had to listen, but I also had to translate from german, so please be kind). Real-Time Web: Technische Standards und Herausforderungen Jürg Stucker (@jstucker), CEO Namics. Find more about the talk & slides here...