Author: Dominique Guinard


NFC Workshop in Zurich

Our last post introduced you to the art of NFC / QR tagging on Android phones. If, like us, since then you can’t stop tagging things then you might consider submitting you awesome prototypes to this workshop our colleagues from ETH are setting up: 5th International Workshop on Near Field Communication – NFC 2013 Call for Papers NFC 2013 is the 5th International Research Workshop with focus on Near Field Communication (NFC). This workshop covers the entire technological area, beginning from RF and hardware, smartcards approach, security, applications and services, business processes, up to usability and user experience.


NFC, QR, EPC and Android: Ready to Tag the World!

A little while ago I had the chance to hold two presentations at Jazoon 2012 (probably one of my favorite tech conferences out there!). The key idea of the first presentations was to emphasize on how techs were getting mature for tagging our world out there. Hence, I decided to look in particular at how a device as common as an Android phone could be turned into a tagging machine, sort of a Tricorder of modern IoT times!


What have you been up to? viagra prices There is an unfortunate inverted relationship between the blogging capacity of a team and its capacity to actually make things happen, a relationship that we currently had to deal with! 🙂


Meetup on Connecting via IoT Cloud Services

For our Zurich-based readers, on April 3rd we’ll be attending and giving a talk at the freshly started IoT Zurich meetup, a meetup packed with IoT / WoT talks around cloud services and their place in a Web of Things landscape. Here is an extract of what we’ll talk about (checkout the other talks as well: Think of a “Facebook for Things” with apps, services and analytics powered by connected objects and their digital profiles. With billions of product and other objects becoming connected, tagged and scannable, there’s a massive opportunity for a company that can provide the trusted engine...


Stop Reading this Blog, Start Implementing the Web of Things!

Yes, we know, we promised that this blog wouldn’t turn into the marketing front-end of the company we co-founded (EVRYTHNG for the slower ones…). However, when looking for developers what better place could we reach for than the one where you, our readers who build the WoT on a daily basis, are coming to daily… So if you like coding Java for the Web? Babbling Javascript/Python/PHP? Have RESTful dreams? Want your fridge to talk to your online toaster about how that toast doesn’t look good? Like Zurich? And read this blog! Then why not working for us! We are hiring...


Deadline Extension for WoT 2012

Just a brief post to announce that the deadline for submitting papers to the 3rd International Workshop on Web of Things has been extended! You now have until March 16th to submit your Web of Things related research work/prototype/demonstrator, more info here: Looking forward to seeing you there! By the way, the organization team is still looking for one more industrial sponsor who would like to give a keynote at the event! Ping us if you are interested!


Ondes Visibles: What if the Electrosmog was Visible?

The Web of Things cries for wireless communication! As a consequence, as it is being deployed out there it contributes to a phenomena called electrosmog, understand a cloud of electromagnetic waves that increasingly surrounds us (and the exact effect of that cloud on us is still in the middle of many debates…). The fascinating part about this cloud is that much like our electricity consumption, we can’t really see it or feel it (well except for electro-sensitive people who say they can). Back in 2007, we started working on a project to make electricity visible the Web way (Energie Visible!),...


WS-* vs REST for the Internet of Things

It is no secret that current trends inspired from the development of the Web 2.0 advocate designing smart things (e.g., wireless sensors nodes or home appliances) as service platforms. Interoperable services are mainly achieved using two different (families of) approaches: WS-* and RESTful Web services. It is also no secret that we, at are big fans of REST. Hence, one critic that we often get is that our preference for REST is not really founded on data but rather on a guts feeling which basically was … true! Hence, as part of my Ph.D. Thesis I wanted to discuss...


The Web of Things explained to your children!

At last! We eventually have a document that vulgarizes the Internet and the Web of Things, oh JOY! I’ll be able to illustrate to mom/sister/grand children (I’ll have to wait a while for that though ;-)) what I’ve been doing for the last 7 years of my life without having them go like: “hmmm oooookayyyyyy”! The one and only problem: the article is in … French.


The International Workshop on the Web of Things is Back!

After WoT 2010 in Mannheim, WoT 2011 in San Fransisco, we are happy to announce WoT 2012 co-located with Pervasive 2012 in Newcastle, UK. Over the last few years, WoT has profiled itself as a major event for the Web of Things community and we can’t wait to see y’all there once again. So, get your ideas/projects/prototypes ready, set, submit! 😉 CALL FOR PAPERS – Third International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2012) in conjunction with Pervasive 2012, Newcastle, June 18-22, 2012. Paper submission deadline: March 9, 2012 Notification of acceptance: April 2, 2012 Camera-ready papers due: April...