Meetup on Connecting via IoT Cloud Services

For our Zurich-based readers, on April 3rd we’ll be attending and giving a talk at the freshly started IoT Zurich meetup, a meetup packed with IoT / WoT talks around cloud services and their place in a Web of Things landscape. Here is an extract of what we’ll talk about (checkout the other talks as well:

Think of a “Facebook for Things” with apps, services and analytics powered by connected objects and their digital profiles. With billions of product and other objects becoming connected, tagged and scannable, there’s a massive opportunity for a company that can provide the trusted engine for exchanging this active object information.

In essence, the talk will be about:

– What is the Web of Things?
– Web of Things: How and Why?
– Problem Statement: Hardware and Cloud Infrastructures for Web-augmented Things
– Web-enabling Devices and Gateways
– Active Digital Identities (ADIs)
– EVRYTHNG as a storage engine
– Problem Solved: Connecting People & Products
– Vision: Every Thing Connected
– Projects and Concrete Example of How and Why ADIs are Useful.
– Using our cloud services and APIs to build your next Internet of Things / Web of Things applications.

Looking forward to seeing many of you guys and gals there. Thanks a lot to our friend Thomas Amberg and Christine Perey for organizing these meetings!

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