Category: Random

Internet developers day – part 1 3,330

Internet developers day – part 1

I was invited today at the Internet Developer summit (#devkon) (thanks for the invite Reto), to present our vision and work on the Web of Things. I’ll try to blog as much as I can because it’s a lot of tips & tricks for internet developers, and the program is juicy. Sorry for the random notes, hopefully it’s usable enough (not only it was great so I had to listen, but I also had to translate from german, so please be kind). Real-Time Web: Technische Standards und Herausforderungen Jürg Stucker (@jstucker), CEO Namics. Find more about the talk & slides here...

Live from SXSW!! 1,970

Live from SXSW!!

We just arrived in Austin, TX for one of the largest geek/tech/media festival, South by SouthWest. It’s just great HUGE! We are presenting on sunday a workshop on the web of things. It’s the first part of a blocks workshop on javascript (the two others by Kyle Simpson and Dan Nichols), and we’re there to provide the things layer. It’s a unique opportunity to share our experiences with WoT with many other hackers, coders, masher, and we have been preparing a huge amount of nerdy meaty stuff to chew on (read: handouts, code, examples, demos, etc). It’ll be fantastic to...

IP-based Sensor Networks 3,987

IP-based Sensor Networks

J.P. Vasseur from Cisco (IETF ROLL co-chair, IPSO tab chair) and Adam Dunkels have written a book on IP-based sensor networks called Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP – The Next Internet. The book covers IP-based sensor networks from the link layer and up, and covers network architecture (IPv6, transport, web services, …), technology (RPL routing, 6lowpan IPv6 802.15.4 adaptation, hardware, software, uIP,…), and applications (smart grid, industrial automation, home automation, smart cities, …). The foreword is written by Vint Cerf. The book will be available in June 2010, but is already available for preorder from amazon. This is great news...

MySpace going open! 2,726

MySpace going open!

I’ve been following a few different activities related to life-streaming and and social nets all around (such as: diso/activity streams). A few days back MySpace posted on their blog a summary of their activities towards providing a more open platform for social data. This is definitely excellent news and is very relevant here, because first it’s more open, shareable, and distributed social network are in my opinion the direction the future Web will be taking, and second because we’ll soon be seeing more and more devices feeding information to these networks as well (e.g. a high-level, human-understandable stream of activities...

PICNIC! 7,366


I’m at the airport, ready to take the skies (that is an expression in french, maybe not english) for Amsterdam where the huge Picnic conference will take place. I have the pleasure to invite all of you who will be around to join our Web of Things special session. We have the chance of having five awesome speakers with us: Usman Haque, Jean-Louis Frachin, Matt Cottam, German Leon, and Timo Arnall. Also, we have a hot demo session with Widetag, Roomware, and nodesign. Thanks a lot all of you guys (& girls) for making it possible! Simply put, this event...

Web of Things Session at PICNIC ’09 – Call for Demos 1,751

Web of Things Session at PICNIC ’09 – Call for Demos

We finally received the green light to organize a special session at PICNIC on the 24th September in Amsterdam. It will entitled “New Innovation Models for the Web of Things“, and here is the abstract: The popularity of open source hardware and software, along with the openness and sharing ideals behind Web 2.0, is transforming the creation and manufacturing process for consumer devices. As more and more tiny computers are being connected to the Web, new methods and tools are needed to create applications that leverage the connectedness of the physical world. Unlike the Internet of Things where the focus...

CFP – First international workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2010) 4,037

CFP – First international workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2010)

The first WoT workshop is still out, so prepare your submissions, because we have assembled an exceptional committee to discuss this essential topic! Check out the official workshop website. -= CALL FOR PAPERS =- First International Workshop the Web of Things (WoT 2010) in conjunction with the 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2010), Mannheim, Germany Website: Paper submission deadline: October 18, 2009 November 15, 2009 Notification of acceptance: December 21, 2009 Camera-ready papers due: January 29, 2010 The world of embedded devices has experienced radical changes over the past few years as real-world objects...

WOT’s Happening? 2,529

WOT’s Happening?

Just a short post to say sorry about the 25 template changes today 🙂 We are currently completely lifting Starting with an upgrade to the latest wordpress, a cleaning of the theme (less pink but still a little :-)), adding new contributors (Like Erik Wilde) and most importantly turning into a portal rather than only a blog! The goal being to incrementally include new services such as internal websites for the workshops we are organizing. So please do apologize the probable bugs and template changes during the coming few weeks!

WOT Demonstration @ Pervasive 2009 538

WOT Demonstration @ Pervasive 2009

Dear all, A short paper I have been wanting to publish for a while here. It is about the Web of Things demonstrator we presented at Pervasive 2009 in Japan, which is based on our Energie Visible project. Since it is a short paper it does not present ground breaking results but it contains a bit more technical information on how the Plogg Gateway was built and on the resource orientation of the Ploggs. By the way, we finally managed to begin the deployment of the Energie Visible project in our own labs. The goal is to have Ploggs in...