Tagged: geek

Live from SXSW!! 1,300

Live from SXSW!!

We just arrived in Austin, TX for one of the largest geek/tech/media festival, South by SouthWest. It’s just great HUGE! We are presenting on sunday a workshop on the web of things. It’s the first part of a blocks workshop on javascript (the two others by Kyle Simpson and Dan Nichols), and we’re there to provide the things layer. It’s a unique opportunity to share our experiences with WoT with many other hackers, coders, masher, and we have been preparing a huge amount of nerdy meaty stuff to chew on (read: handouts, code, examples, demos, etc). It’ll be fantastic to...

WOT white paper 807

WOT white paper

That’s what we can call sporadic posting, lots of goodies today 🙂 But the best of them is the WOT whitepaper, about the general vision. It’s short, a little geeky, but has the vision and motivation in it. In a few words we hope people can a little better understand what the WOT is all about. We plan to do a few more of those guys, in particular the elevator pitch for business people, and another one like a tech report for total geeks (guess which one we prefer), but for now it’s an initial milestone that should at least...

Homecamp recap 646

Homecamp recap

As mentioned in some previous post, I attended a couple of weeks ago homecamp in London. The event was awesome and I had good times discussing with the folks over there. I loved the un-conference form as it allows people to show up, set up a demo (like I did ), do a talk (like I did). On the other hand, as it is very chaotic we don’t really know what’s going on and when. I wished to have had the opportunity to discuss more in detail with the people in a more relaxed way, though. Thanks for the organizers...

Cudrefin02 on Plogg 1,272

Cudrefin02 on Plogg

Koudos for Dom’s hard work, whose energy monitoring project made it on the ploggs new page. Awesome work he’s done with REST-enabling the ploggs. Even better, we’re soon gonna ploggify our work environment and offices which is an awesome step towards a RESTful ecosystem of devices where we’ll be able to play around. The only problem is that ploggs guys only gave us a windows DLL as an API to play with the ploggs which makes it hard (I mean impossible) to access plogg with a mac or a linux. Let’s hope we’ll soon get something smoother to read ploggs....