Tagged: geek


The Ard-Vark project

Folks, this is a guest post from Kerwin Lumpkins who is working on a cool project he put on Kickstarter (there’s a video there too), check it out!! He has built a prototype and would like to have it funded to produce more of these. As we’re always happy to share cool projects made by others as well, here you go 🙂 The Ard-Vark is a basic electronics box that has wifi built in to allow easy remote control through a mobile app, and has the following features: Arduino compatible (can use the Arduino IDE as is, based on Leonardo...


Koubachi plant sensor is finally available!!

I know we covered them not so long ago, but our friends from Koubachi finally released their first product a few days back, it’s live finally and available! They have even already covered on Techcrunch and Gizmondo! Great job guys! For 148$, give your plant a voice and get one of these: The design of that WiFi dongle is pretty gorgeous and sleek (I wouldn’t dare saying Apple-y!) Wondering if they already have an API and we hack these and do something totally unexpected with it? Hmmm. What would you use these toys for, any ideas?


Getting Started with the Internet of Things Book

Our friends from Oberon microsystems (who designed yaler), just released a tech book (just like we love) about they experience with hacking around the Internet of Things. The book called “Getting Started with the Internet of Things” which is publish by our favorite nerditors O’Reilly Media is available in PDF and paper, and is written by Cuno Pfister.


Hackathon and planning

As Dom recently mentioned, we are not abandoning WoT, on the contrary, we are currently planning our next move after our graduation in the next few months (most likely in the entrepreneurial world, so if you have plans/offers/funding/ideas, we’re all ears and evaluating how we can best leverage our WoT know how). But until then, we’re both just damn busy writing our dissertation 🙁 and preparing WoT 2011 workshop 🙂


Hackathon on social devices @ WoT2011

Because we don’t like just talking but also doing, we’ve decided to set up an exciting warm-up for our upcoming WoT2011 workshop. I named: a hackathon on social device that will take place on the 11 June 2011 somewhere in San Francisco. In 3 words (okay more than 3):


Big data and smart cities

I didn’t blog much in the last months as I was fortunate enough to spend the second half of 2010 as a researcher at the MIT SENSEable City Lab. I spent most of my time working on the LIVE Singapore! project (and living between Boston and Singapore), in particular exploring the “so what?” aspect of WoT – that is how to actually build something useful on top of all these sensors. This project is very timely and matches wonderfully with what’s happening right now in the data.gov and smart cities spheres.


lift@hackerspace – UrbanIOT

A little while ago took place the lift@hackerspace workshop, which was the second part of the Urban-IoT 2010 workshop that took place on November 29, in Tokyo, Japan. The Urban-IoT workshop aimed to bring together experts from various areas related to smart cities to present and discuss their research in a formal, academic context. As a follow-up, the lift@hackerspace event served to deepen the conversations in a more relaxed environment context, where the various participants could explore some of the main topics and challenges that emerged during the formal session, in an open discussion format among a couple of focus...

OpenPicus Community & FlyPort 272

OpenPicus Community & FlyPort

The OpenPicus community released a wi-fi module called FlyPort. It is a small device that uses the Microchip PIC24F (256K Flash+16K Ram, 16Mips@32Mhz) and MRF24WB0MA/RM WI-FI certified module. FlyPort runs a wireless Stack (TCP/IP version 5.25 from Microchip) and has a 26 Pin connector for easy prototyping. Applications and libraries are open source and can be freely downloaded from the openpicus website. Programmers have full control of the wi-fi module, thus the Flyport can act as tiny Web server and client that can directly interact with other Web resources directly, without requiring a gateway. Besides, this project has a social...

Internet developers day – part 2 662

Internet developers day – part 2

Here is part 2, part one is here. One Web, Yoan Blanc, doSimple. We thought of a single uniform web. Banana phone, with WAP. Now we have tons of devices that try to surf the Web and they all want the same level of experience (mobile browser market share version 1.0 image). Discusses the <meta viewport>, that allows it to fit on many mobile devices (he talks about ppk, peter paul koch who does testing of mobile browsers). Testing: MicroEmulator runs opera mini. You don’t need an iPhone app! Html is enough. You can also use manifest.cache to specify what...

Internet developers day – part 1 238

Internet developers day – part 1

I was invited today at the Internet Developer summit (#devkon) (thanks for the invite Reto), to present our vision and work on the Web of Things. I’ll try to blog as much as I can because it’s a lot of tips & tricks for internet developers, and the program is juicy. Sorry for the random notes, hopefully it’s usable enough (not only it was great so I had to listen, but I also had to translate from german, so please be kind). Real-Time Web: Technische Standards und Herausforderungen Jürg Stucker (@jstucker), CEO Namics. Find more about the talk & slides here...