Category: Technology

Fast Prototyping WoT Apps with NIWEA 1,109

Fast Prototyping WoT Apps with NIWEA

I gave a few thoughts recently about what the iPad (& iPhone) represent for the WoT. NIWEA As our friend Hannes Gassert awesomely summarized it recently, NIWEA (Native Interoperable Web Applications) is the sweetest method to build interactive applications for all things mobile, plus NIWEA feels like it was made for the Web of Things. In a nutshell, NIWEA are simple Web applications (developed only with HMTL/CSS/Javascript) designed to look & feel like a “real” (native) mobile application. This not only provides a great environment to develop easily apps for the iPhone/Pad, Android, Blackberry & co, but in particular it...

Java and the Web of Things 706

Java and the Web of Things

Coming back from Jazoon, a conference that some people see as the European version of Java One. Since this conference is for me a nice concentrate of what’s coming in the Java/OO/Business software world, I wanted to report a little on what I’ve seen there and what this implies/offers in a Web of Things context. Let’s be modular As last year, modularity was a BIG keyword. The Java community has acknowledged the success of OSGi and is looking for a somewhat closer integration of these concepts. The Language Support for Modular Programming (JSR 294) will be part of Java 7...

Yaler 1.0 released 767

Yaler 1.0 released

We’re happy to announce that our friends at Oberon Microsystems have released the first open version of yaler (reverse of relay). The have made an excellent impression at our WoT2010 workshop by showing a demo of an essential building block for building an infrastructure for the Web of Things. In two words it’s a server to which embedded devices can initiate an HTTP connection, which will be kept open. Using the reversehttp protocol, notifications can be send anytime from the server to any device connected to yaler, even when behind a firewall or NAT. From to the official website: A...

Our Workshop Presentation @ SXSW 2010 90

Our Workshop Presentation @ SXSW 2010

We just finished our Web of Things workshop @ SXSW 2010. A really impressive conference room (or should I say football-field…) with great, very enthusiastic, awake people and a great host! Thanks to you all for coming. Thanks for your feedbacks Let’s continue the discussion here and on Twitter #webofthings. You’ll find the slides below and the doggy bag here. Web of Things – Connecting People and Objects on the Web View more presentations from Dominique Guinard.

When Things Will “Speak Web”: Invited Lecture at Lancaster University 697

When Things Will “Speak Web”: Invited Lecture at Lancaster University

A few days ago, I was kindly invited by Gerd Kortuem to give a lecture on the Web of Things for students of Lancaster University. The talk was given in frame of a “Software Innovation and Entrepreneurship” lecture. Thus, the students had both business and technical backgrounds. I quite enjoyed giving it especially since the students asked very relevant questions on aspects such as security, discovery, the real-time Web, etc. You can find a full recording (about 1.5 hours) of the lecture here, but you’ll need to install the plug-in to watch it (sorry about that!). Alternatively you can find...

IP-based Sensor Networks 767

IP-based Sensor Networks

J.P. Vasseur from Cisco (IETF ROLL co-chair, IPSO tab chair) and Adam Dunkels have written a book on IP-based sensor networks called Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP – The Next Internet. The book covers IP-based sensor networks from the link layer and up, and covers network architecture (IPv6, transport, web services, …), technology (RPL routing, 6lowpan IPv6 802.15.4 adaptation, hardware, software, uIP,…), and applications (smart grid, industrial automation, home automation, smart cities, …). The foreword is written by Vint Cerf. The book will be available in June 2010, but is already available for preorder from amazon. This is great news...

COAP draft available! 873

COAP draft available!

Fresh out of the box, COAP draft is available since ahem… a couple of hours (self-pride for my timing as you can notice). This is definitely for me, us, and you all a definite pace for mankind – a solid and viable proof that the WoT is coming, and a very nice Christmas present. What is COAP I hear you saying? From the draft: The use of web services on the Internet has become ubiquitous in most applications, and depends on the basic REST architecture of the web. The proposed Constrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) working group aims at extending the...

MySpace going open! 1,028

MySpace going open!

I’ve been following a few different activities related to life-streaming and and social nets all around (such as: diso/activity streams). A few days back MySpace posted on their blog a summary of their activities towards providing a more open platform for social data. This is definitely excellent news and is very relevant here, because first it’s more open, shareable, and distributed social network are in my opinion the direction the future Web will be taking, and second because we’ll soon be seeing more and more devices feeding information to these networks as well (e.g. a high-level, human-understandable stream of activities...

Web of Things is a Trend! 176

Web of Things is a Trend!

Like it or not, the “Web of Things” first appeared last month on Google Trends. As a recap, Google Trends only shows trends for search terms (or combinations of terms) when the volume of single queries becomes interesting enough (i.e. big enough). Note that, of course, the trend for the “Web of Things” is not as big yet as the one from his mother “Internet of Thing”, but it is growing (IoT is in blue, WoT in red) This means that the popularity around WoT is growing and so is the hype. Let’s just makes sure it’s not only a...

Energie Visible: Live and Free! 1,052

Energie Visible: Live and Free!

After being asked by several members of WoT the community and beyond to release the Energie Visible prototype, we finally managed to find the time to package it and now give it for free on the Web! To recap: the Energie Visible project aims at making the your energy consumption … visible! We created a page to host the application, you’ll find the latest version and additional info there. Note that it currently only works with the Bluetooth Ploggs and on Windows (XP or later). The bundle you download there basically contains two applications. First is contains a Web of...