Category: Products


Koubachi plant sensor is finally available!!

I know we covered them not so long ago, but our friends from Koubachi finally released their first product a few days back, it’s live finally and available! They have even already covered on Techcrunch and Gizmondo! Great job guys! For 148$, give your plant a voice and get one of these: The design of that WiFi dongle is pretty gorgeous and sleek (I wouldn’t dare saying Apple-y!) Wondering if they already have an API and we hack these and do something totally unexpected with it? Hmmm. What would you use these toys for, any ideas?


Ondes Visibles: What if the Electrosmog was Visible?

The Web of Things cries for wireless communication! As a consequence, as it is being deployed out there it contributes to a phenomena called electrosmog, understand a cloud of electromagnetic waves that increasingly surrounds us (and the exact effect of that cloud on us is still in the middle of many debates…). The fascinating part about this cloud is that much like our electricity consumption, we can’t really see it or feel it (well except for electro-sensitive people who say they can). Back in 2007, we started working on a project to make electricity visible the Web way (Energie Visible!),...


The Web of Things explained to your children!

At last! We eventually have a document that vulgarizes the Internet and the Web of Things, oh JOY! I’ll be able to illustrate to mom/sister/grand children (I’ll have to wait a while for that though ;-)) what I’ve been doing for the last 7 years of my life without having them go like: “hmmm oooookayyyyyy”! The one and only problem: the article is in … French.


The International Workshop on the Web of Things is Back!

After WoT 2010 in Mannheim, WoT 2011 in San Fransisco, we are happy to announce WoT 2012 co-located with Pervasive 2012 in Newcastle, UK. Over the last few years, WoT has profiled itself as a major event for the Web of Things community and we can’t wait to see y’all there once again. So, get your ideas/projects/prototypes ready, set, submit! 😉 CALL FOR PAPERS – Third International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2012) in conjunction with Pervasive 2012, Newcastle, June 18-22, 2012. Paper submission deadline: March 9, 2012 Notification of acceptance: April 2, 2012 Camera-ready papers due: April...


Tourism and the Web of Things?

When Massimiliano Ventimiglia (aka. Max, from H-art), first asked me to give a keynote at the BTO (Buy Tourism Online) 2011 conference, I was rather puzzled: what can the Web of Things bring to tourism? What innovation can we fuel in this rather distant field? Well, after several brainstorming sessions with the crew at Evrythng, we had so many application ideas that I had to filter most of them in order not to overload the talk!


Koubachi Launching Beta

A while ago, in an interview for Postscapes I was talking about a start-up, good friend of ours and spin-off of our research group at ETH which was building plant monitoring sensors. I had the chance to test them and was rather amazed by this practical, truly Web of Things type of project. They are just about to ramp-up production of their first hardware product – a WiFi Plant Sensor. Internal sources told me it’ll be launched in Spring 2012 but we’ll keep you updated on this one. Meanwhile, the guys are currently launching a Web version of their plant...


Cookie Time!

A side effect of running the Web of Things blog is to get a daily number of “request for articles” (i.e., requests for free advertisement on your blog of my product). Most of them are totally completely and entirely unrelated to the Web of Things (and Vlad has a pretty interesting standard reply-mail for these ;-P) but once in a while you get a little pearl that is definitely worth talking about. We got two of those lately: one being rather serious, the other being awesomely delicious! Let me share the latter with you today and keep the other for...


WoT 2011: Program

In a little more than a week (12.06.2011) we will kick-start the second international workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2011). 2011 is the year of many WoT realizations and this is reflected in the, we believe, rather thrilling program of WoT 2011. Here is a brief preview of WoT is to expect 😉