Author: Dominique Guinard

WOT Demonstration @ Pervasive 2009 2

WOT Demonstration @ Pervasive 2009

Dear all, A short paper I have been wanting to publish for a while here. It is about the Web of Things demonstrator we presented at Pervasive 2009 in Japan, which is based on our Energie Visible project. Since it is a short paper it does not present ground breaking results but it contains a bit more technical information on how the Plogg Gateway was built and on the resource orientation of the Ploggs. By the way, we finally managed to begin the deployment of the Energie Visible project in our own labs. The goal is to have Ploggs in...

What Exactly is the R in Resource-Oriented-Architectures? 39

What Exactly is the R in Resource-Oriented-Architectures?

As all of you know, one of the core concept of the Web of Things is design of RESTful things, that is having embedded devices proposing their services in a Resource-Oriented manner. Today, once again, somebody was asking me but what is exactly a resource? Well good question! We all know (hem) what an Object is in Object Oriented Programming, we all know (hem HEM, yeah right!) what a service is in Service Oriented Architectures but what is a resource in a ROA? I had this discussion with a good friend of mine (and a very good OO architect!) let’s...

Web Enablement of Sensor Networks: INSS 2009 39

Web Enablement of Sensor Networks: INSS 2009

Dear folks, People have been asking for more “scientific” and concrete material to be posted on WOT. Hence this post which is about a paper that we got accepted for INSS 2009 here is a summary of what it talks about: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have promising industrial applications, since they reduce the gap between traditional enterprise systems and the real world. However, every particular application requires complex integration work, and therefore technical expertise, effort and time which prevents users from creating small tactical, ad-hoc applications using sensor networks. Following the success of Web 2.0  “mashups”, we propose a similar...

Why is the Web Loosely Coupled? A Multi-Faceted Metric for Service Design 26

Why is the Web Loosely Coupled? A Multi-Faceted Metric for Service Design

Why is the Web Loosely Coupled? A Multi-Faceted Metric for Service Design by Cesare Pautasso and Erik Wilde. Dom: Just for the records, I have to admit that this paper is clearly amongst my top five for 2009. It’s a paper we can use and cite quite a lot in frame of our web of things projects in order to justify our design choices. Cesare begins by asking the audience whether WSDL is loosely-coupled? Most people said no which kind of crashed Cesare’s effect (Dom: I guess many people like me pre-read the paper ;-)). Some aspects of WSDL go...

Creating Personal Mobile Widgets without Programming 20

Creating Personal Mobile Widgets without Programming

Developer track at WWW 2009: Creating Personal Mobile Widgets without Programming by Geetha Manjunath, Thara S, Hitesh Bosamiya, Santhi Guntupalli, Vinay Kumar and Ragu Raman G. from HP Labs. Geetha starts by explaining that people want widgets for very specified tasks, she’s talking about several tasks on the virtual world but then also mentions that we might want to use widgets to control appliances and possibly embedded device (Dom: I agree with her 😉 Dom again: but she did not elaborate on this later in the talk). She introduces the concept of Tasklets, which are task-based web interaction patterns. As...

Rapid Development of Spreadsheet-based Web Mashups 37

Rapid Development of Spreadsheet-based Web Mashups

The first talk of the day I decided to attend is from Woralak Kongdenfha from the University of South Wales, I had the chance to talk to Woralak yesterday about this concept of using Excel as a Mashup platform. I’ve been quite into (physical) mashups lately and I quite liked the idea since Excel is certainly a tool that people (at least from a business or IT field) massively understand. They probably understand it better than novel mashup editors such as Yahoo Pipes and co. Woralak starts by explaining that they devices to use Excel as a mashup platform exactly...

WWW 09: Keynote: Tim Berners Lee: Reflecting on 20 years of the world wide web. 6

WWW 09: Keynote: Tim Berners Lee: Reflecting on 20 years of the world wide web.

Keynote: Tim Berners Lee: Reflecting on 20 years of the world wide web. Note by Dom: as usual this is not a real transcript but a mashup of a summary and my own interpretation of the talk. Tim starts by talking about the program of www 2009 and in particular he sees that: Search and search optimization has a big place.Advertising science is also appearing as an important topic, which shows the tendency to also study how to efficiently monetarize the Web.The move to the mobile web is also definitely reflected in this year’s program. He then moves on talking...

A Web Mashup for Social Libraries 4

A Web Mashup for Social Libraries

Domenico Gendarmi and Filippo Lanubile talk about a Web Mashup for Social Libraries. The goal of Domenico’s project (Colibrary) is to provide a web API to reuse content in the digital library domain. Domenico’s provides us with a system overview. For books you input an ISBN which is searched for on various book indexes (such as Amazon, etc.) and the Colibrary creates an RDF description of the book. Colibrary provides the same system for publications and papers, it queries databases such as Citeulike, bibsonomy, ACM digital library and creates an RDF description of the publication. Domenico then elaborates on the...

Operational Challenges and Solutions for Mashups – An Experience Report 32

Operational Challenges and Solutions for Mashups – An Experience Report

Frederic Majer, Martin Nussbaumer and Patrick Freudenstein Operational Challenges and Solutions for Mashups – An Experience Report Frederic held the last presentation of this year’s MEM 2009. He starts by explaining how mashups often do not really mature. Operation and maintenance is a challenge and is often simply not considered which prevents mashup to turn into real and often-used applications. He explains how he will this paper describe general operational challenges from a provider’s perspective and present dedicated models and processes focusing on providing sufficient service level agreements. He introduces the CampusMap mashup which helps people finding their way on...


Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices @ MEM 2009

Dominique Guinard and Vlad Trifa, Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices Dominique Guinard presents this paper. (You might wonder how I manage to both present it and blog about it, well this is thanks to Ghislain Fourny who wrote a summary of my talk). After introducing a couple of smart objects and noticing that the audience is uncool as nobody has a Poken, Dominique asks how we are going to deal with the 1000+ smart objects each person is going to have within the next 5 to 10 years. Communicating with these objects could be made...