Our friends from Oberon microsystems (who designed yaler), just released a tech book (just like we love) about they experience with hacking around the Internet of Things. The book called “Getting Started with the Internet of Things” which is publish by our favorite nerditors O’Reilly Media is available in PDF and paper, and is written by Cuno Pfister.Learn to program embedded devices using the .NET Micro Framework and the Netduino Plus board. Then connect your devices to the Internet with Pachube, a cloud platform for sharing real-time sensor data. All you need is a Netduino Plus, a USB cable, a couple of sensors, an Ethernet connection to the Internet and your imagination.
This looks lovely (other than the reference to the thing that starts with dot and ends with net 😉 and we’re looking forward to check it out. Especially as they just announced a hosted Yaler instance (try.yaler.net, register here to get an account), I guess to try the examples in the book, so that makes this book even crunchier.