Tagged: smartenergy

Energie Visible: Live and Free! 4,639

Energie Visible: Live and Free!

After being asked by several members of WoT the community and beyond to release the Energie Visible prototype, we finally managed to find the time to package it and now give it for free on the Web! To recap: the Energie Visible project aims at making the your energy consumption … visible! We created a page to host the application, you’ll find the latest version and additional info there. Note that it currently only works with the Bluetooth Ploggs and on Windows (XP or later). The bundle you download there basically contains two applications. First is contains a Web of...

CFP – First international workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2010) 4,037

CFP – First international workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2010)

The first WoT workshop is still out, so prepare your submissions, because we have assembled an exceptional committee to discuss this essential topic! Check out the official workshop website. -= CALL FOR PAPERS =- First International Workshop the Web of Things (WoT 2010) in conjunction with the 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2010), Mannheim, Germany Website: http://www.webofthings.com/wot/2010 Paper submission deadline: October 18, 2009 November 15, 2009 Notification of acceptance: December 21, 2009 Camera-ready papers due: January 29, 2010 The world of embedded devices has experienced radical changes over the past few years as real-world objects...

Open Energy Monitor 3,157

Open Energy Monitor

From the original website: This is a project to develop and build a free and open source energy monitor. Energy monitoring is a key technology in building a bright and smart sustainable future. An Energy monitor is a device that enables you to look at your energy use in detail, which appliances use the most energy and when they use it. This makes using energy more efficiently easier. Definitely a cool initiative and I would love seeing more projects like this one.

Homecamp recap 2,974

Homecamp recap

As mentioned in some previous post, I attended a couple of weeks ago homecamp in London. The event was awesome and I had good times discussing with the folks over there. I loved the un-conference form as it allows people to show up, set up a demo (like I did ), do a talk (like I did). On the other hand, as it is very chaotic we don’t really know what’s going on and when. I wished to have had the opportunity to discuss more in detail with the people in a more relaxed way, though. Thanks for the organizers...

Awesome news! 2,072

Awesome news!

All the medias in the world are talking about it, but we didn’t yet. We have an awesome announcement to.. well.. announce. Last week while Dom was busy eating churros and discussing about twittering chimpanzees, he was also preparing to go to a little village in Switzerland because he was told to go there for Energissima. But why? Because his project Energie Visible has won the Jade Nature award (and 10k chf with it), out of 20 other selected projects! The Jade Nature award recompenses an innovating project in the area of sustainability and protection of the environment. And that’s...

Energie Visible: A Video 4,918

Energie Visible: A Video

I’m pretty sure that by now you got the fact that the Energie Visible project is one of our favorite use-cases for the Web of Things. In this project we apply the concept of smart things with webservers and RESTful APIs to create a plug-and-play energy monitoring system for your home or company. In order to better illustrate the application and for us not to have to carry a printer, a kettle and a… fridge around for each demo, we shot a video of the prototype. The end of the video also contains some more technical insights on the structure...

Cudrefin02 on Plogg 6,432

Cudrefin02 on Plogg

Koudos for Dom’s hard work, whose energy monitoring project made it on the ploggs new page. Awesome work he’s done with REST-enabling the ploggs. Even better, we’re soon gonna ploggify our work environment and offices which is an awesome step towards a RESTful ecosystem of devices where we’ll be able to play around. The only problem is that ploggs guys only gave us a windows DLL as an API to play with the ploggs which makes it hard (I mean impossible) to access plogg with a mac or a linux. Let’s hope we’ll soon get something smoother to read ploggs....

Talk at Liip 1,525

Talk at Liip

Oh, that’s a good topic to start the new year (a little late okay)! Happy new year anyway! We just gave a talk on the Web of Things, over at the folks from liip, a cool swiss Web development company with whom we share common interests (i.e. making the Web cooler). The slides of the talk are online: intro & demo (@Dom: put your slides here dude, UPDATE: It’s down there dude! :-)). Too many things to present in such a short time, but we hope this would lead to further discussions (and hopefully collaborations) with Web developers, to learn...

Are you Energy-Efficient? Sense it the Web Way!

Just felt like sharing with you one of our latest prototype which we created for a private foundation working in the field of energy awareness and sustainability in Switzerland called Cudrefin02. I think that a major burden for people, who want to save energy at home, is for them to identify how much energy is consumed by different appliances. How much does my computer consume in operation / when it is powered off? Is the consumption of my energy-saving lamp significantly lower in the long run than the normal lamp I’ve got there? Such questions are key to understand where...