Tagged: WWW

Research plan for Pervasive 2009 813

Research plan for Pervasive 2009

Folks, I’m currently drafting my final research plan for my phd based on the input I got from various sources (thanks to all who helped me with that). That reminds me that I actually went to Japan to publish my initial research plan, and as it’s under press anyway, I put it here so that you can read all read it (and YES, give me more feedback about it). Of course, the current one is so much better (and I’m soo modest), but anyway it contains some scientific basis of my current research so that you have a better idea...

WoT keynote (and clones :) 729

WoT keynote (and clones :)

I never know if I need to be happy or sad when I see other people mentioning WoT. Don’t get me wrong: I’m totally happy to see people pushing forward the same ideas we have here, make them better, build upon them and reuse them for their own projects. One year ago, most people I talked to were like “aha, use web on devices…. but why? Why not use something made for devices?”. It didn’t sound right at that time, but when you think about a world of web enabled devices, then you can see tons of bulbs turning on....

Talk at UNI lugano 1,540

Talk at UNI lugano

A couple of weeks back, we gave a talk with Dom at the University of Lugano. Besides, being a lovely cosy university in a wonderful place, we had a great time discussing with Cesare Pautasso and his colleague Francesco Lelli, a physicist working at CERN and Uni. Lugano. We had an interesting discussion with Francesco, who is specialized in grid computing, and he told us how they have used REST at CERN. The main ideas are summarized in these papers: [1] F. Lelli and C. Pautasso The Tiny Instrument Element Project In proc of 4th International Conference on Grid and...


Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices @ MEM 2009

Dominique Guinard and Vlad Trifa, Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices Dominique Guinard presents this paper. (You might wonder how I manage to both present it and blog about it, well this is thanks to Ghislain Fourny who wrote a summary of my talk). After introducing a couple of smart objects and noticing that the audience is uncool as nobody has a Poken, Dominique asks how we are going to deal with the 1000+ smart objects each person is going to have within the next 5 to 10 years. Communicating with these objects could be made...

Live from the 2nd Workshop on Mashups, Enterprise Mashups and Lightweight (goood! ;-)) Composition on the Web (MEM 2009) 26

Live from the 2nd Workshop on Mashups, Enterprise Mashups and Lightweight (goood! ;-)) Composition on the Web (MEM 2009)

Mashups encapsulate this idea of making integration of service easier so that even normal people (i.e. not complete-geeks) can create small ad-hoc apps on top of services on the Web. We’d like to apply this approach to things so that you can for example, make your alarm clock talk to your toaster (e.g. I’m waking up, prepare my toats) without going into FPGA or PLC programming! Thus, we sent a paper at this (according to colleagues) state-of-the-art workshop on mashups. The paper got accepted and here am I, at WWW 2009 and live blogging the workshop for our beloved visitors...

Towards the WOT Manifesto 1,340

Towards the WOT Manifesto

I’m taking a couple of days off in Romania, to chill out and reorganize my brain. We’ve been so busy working with Dom lately that we barely had time for WOT, and even less for getting our work done. Mainly tons of papers, meetings, talks, and barely no time to hack/code, and that kind of sucks. We both agreed that in the coming months, we’ll cut off random unproductive activities, to really focus on our work and building the Web of Things. I’ve notice that all the people I talk to not really understand what WOT is about, and for...

Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices 1,201

Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices

After having some troubles getting the Web of Things idea accepted by the scientific community it seems like the last weeks bring the wind of change 😉 The paper: “Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices” we submitted a while ago to the MEM workshop of the WWW 2009 conference just got accepted. In this paper we better explain the concepts behind the Web of Things, namely we talk about the way we implement RESTful APIs for embedded devices. Furthermore, we discuss the different integration methods to connect embedded devices and sensor networks to the Web. Showing...

World Wide Web@20 1,066

World Wide Web@20

We have been last Friday at the 20th anniversary of the Web at CERN. Was a cool, kind of VIPish party with most of the guys who built the WWW in the early 90’s. We even got a demo on the NEXT computer where the first web server has been developed. Very interesting talks, quite geeky and tech-oriented, so not sure everybody really understood what it was all about, but we liked it a lot coz we’re nerds. Nicolas Nova has done a pretty cool all-around summary of the whole event, and I thought to delve a little deeper in...

History of the Web 732

History of the Web

James Gillies: history of the Web We must write the story before everyone forgets. We can’t just write the story of the Web, as you’d have also to tell the story of hypertext, computers and PC. An early innovator was Vannevar Bush in “As we may think” (1945). Human mind associate things rather randomly. Then Doug Engelbart hypertext, in the 60’s with the first mouse, then at xerox parc people built it. Later paul baran contributed to arpanet, world’s first LAN, based with packet switching (1971). Then Network + Network + Network = Network. The idea was really that several...