Tagged: wot


Web of Things Cook-book!

Lately we’ve been quite busy working on different book-chapters. As we finalized one of them I wanted to share it with you. This chapter is the draft version (before final edition as this is the one we are actually allowed to publish here, for the final version you should buy the book!) of a chapter the “Architecting the Internet of Things” book, edited by Mark Harrison, Florian Michahelles and Dieter Uckelmann.

Web of Things Core Concepts Paper 4,129

Web of Things Core Concepts Paper

Together with Vlad and Erik Wilde, we’ve been trying since a while to write a scientific paper out of our common technical report that would sum up the founding concepts of the Web of Things. The paper finally got accepted for IoT 2010. This is a good sign because it emphasizes the fact that the Internet of Things community is now really looking into Web standards as a candidate common integration bus for the application layer of the physical world. A fact that did not really hold two years ago, when Erik’s attempt to publish a WoT paper at IoT...

Urban-IOT soon (and program ready) – join us in Tokyo! 4,119

Urban-IOT soon (and program ready) – join us in Tokyo!

We have been working hard to finalize the program of the Urban-IOT workshop that will take place very soon in Tokyo. In addition to a classic workshop with paper presentations and demos, we have prepared a second part, that will change your perception of what an academic workshop would look like. As we didn’t receive any industrial funding, we are sorry to say that we couldn’t afford to invite the people we had planned for a keynote (yeah, seems like industries aren’t interested in this topic… yet…). But no worries, we’ll use this time to hack and work! From 3...

Interacting with Smart Objects: a Workshop 2,784

Interacting with Smart Objects: a Workshop

A few weeks ago we were talking about the importance of evaluating WoT applications with real-users as they might(/surely do) have expectations that are tremendously different to our geeky notion of what are useful applications of a Web of Things. Well today I wanted to share with you a venue that might go towards this directly as it is specifically looking at HCI and human aspects of smart things, enjoy the CFP: ========================================================== Workshop on Interacting with Smart Objects at IUI 2011 http://www.smart-objects.org Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA February 13th 2011 ========================================================== THEME ——- There is this undeniable ongoing...

Web of Things @ SXSW 2011? 2,572

Web of Things @ SXSW 2011?

Some of you might remember/have attended our SXSW 2010 workshop. Well we enjoyed giving it so much that we decided to come up with two brand new proposals for this year’s SXSW! The Real-World as a Web API is our first proposal: The world of “physical devices” such as home appliances/electronics, real-time city data, RFID-tagged objects, mobile phones, etc. has long been longing for a seamless and universal integration platform. Out of a great number of heavy-and-not-so-great middleware a surprising one is emerging: the Web! In this presentation we would like to show how Web developers might well be the...

Touch the Web 2010 @ ICWE 2010 5,105

Touch the Web 2010 @ ICWE 2010

A few days ago I had the chance to participate to the “touch the Web 2010” workshop. The goals of the workshop were rather similar to the ones of WoT 2010 however, rather than being hosted at a Ubicomp/Pervasive venue, Touch the Web was collocated with ICWE2010, a pure Web engineering conference. The most surprising fact was probably how close the two communities are getting. Web people are increasingly interested in embedded/physical/sensor computing, and on the other hand, pervasive people are getting more and more convinced that the Web protocols as not so bad after all (take this paper for...

Java and the Web of Things 4,157

Java and the Web of Things

Coming back from Jazoon, a conference that some people see as the European version of Java One. Since this conference is for me a nice concentrate of what’s coming in the Java/OO/Business software world, I wanted to report a little on what I’ve seen there and what this implies/offers in a Web of Things context. Let’s be modular As last year, modularity was a BIG keyword. The Java community has acknowledged the success of OSGi and is looking for a somewhat closer integration of these concepts. The Language Support for Modular Programming (JSR 294) will be part of Java 7...

Our Workshop Presentation @ SXSW 2010 3,428

Our Workshop Presentation @ SXSW 2010

We just finished our Web of Things workshop @ SXSW 2010. A really impressive conference room (or should I say football-field…) with great, very enthusiastic, awake people and a great host! Thanks to you all for coming. Thanks for your feedbacks Let’s continue the discussion here and on Twitter #webofthings. You’ll find the slides below and the doggy bag here. Web of Things – Connecting People and Objects on the Web View more presentations from Dominique Guinard.

Web of Things is a Trend! 3,087

Web of Things is a Trend!

Like it or not, the “Web of Things” first appeared last month on Google Trends. As a recap, Google Trends only shows trends for search terms (or combinations of terms) when the volume of single queries becomes interesting enough (i.e. big enough). Note that, of course, the trend for the “Web of Things” is not as big yet as the one from his mother “Internet of Thing”, but it is growing (IoT is in blue, WoT in red) This means that the popularity around WoT is growing and so is the hype. Let’s just makes sure it’s not only a...

PICNIC! 7,261


I’m at the airport, ready to take the skies (that is an expression in french, maybe not english) for Amsterdam where the huge Picnic conference will take place. I have the pleasure to invite all of you who will be around to join our Web of Things special session. We have the chance of having five awesome speakers with us: Usman Haque, Jean-Louis Frachin, Matt Cottam, German Leon, and Timo Arnall. Also, we have a hot demo session with Widetag, Roomware, and nodesign. Thanks a lot all of you guys (& girls) for making it possible! Simply put, this event...