Tagged: wot


So? What’s going on guys?

Folks, we’re both sorry for having been totally silent for the last few weeks (ok, months…) but this was for a very good reason: we finally both finished writing our PhD theses a few days ago (yaay)!!! This means we have officially sent the final draft of our thesis to our committee, and are now preparing for our final defense (Dom’s on the 15th August, mine 2 weeks later, on the 26.8). Then (if all works according to the plan) we’ll be both become doctors of science (how cool is that!). Then we’ll be both doing our civil service (something...


HomeWeb and Android at Home – challenges?

As Google recently announced their plans to move in the home automation world with Android at home (and we are still wondering why they waited so long to do it), I thought I would share my view on that. I do believe there are many opportunities ahead for the “home operating system” domain. The combination of cheap, yet powerful networked digital appliances in the house (NAS, networked media players, WiFi routers, etc) along with an extensible application framework, and a market place for buying new applications (or installing drivers, etc) – will be a killer combo for home automation to...


Hackathon and planning

As Dom recently mentioned, we are not abandoning WoT, on the contrary, we are currently planning our next move after our graduation in the next few months (most likely in the entrepreneurial world, so if you have plans/offers/funding/ideas, we’re all ears and evaluating how we can best leverage our WoT know how). But until then, we’re both just damn busy writing our dissertation 🙁 and preparing WoT 2011 workshop 🙂


Hackathon on social devices @ WoT2011

Because we don’t like just talking but also doing, we’ve decided to set up an exciting warm-up for our upcoming WoT2011 workshop. I named: a hackathon on social device that will take place on the 11 June 2011 somewhere in San Francisco. In 3 words (okay more than 3):


WoT Workshop: Deadline Extension

A very brief post to announce that the deadline for submitting papers to the Web of Things workshop was extended to the February 11, 2011. Meanwhile we are also organizing some nice add-ons to the workshop like a hack-camp, some nice products demonstrations, a best paper award and hopefully a nice dinner so that we can all strategize together about the future of the Web of Things! So, you have one more week to submit your papers, we look forward to read your papers!


OpenPicus gets an IDE

Besides the fact that we are big Sun SPOTs fans, we also got increasingly more interested in the OpenPicus platform, not only because the constant motivation of the project founder Claudio Carnevali is impressive but mostly because the FlyPort (the OpenPicus wireless sensor node) is featuring a WiFi module and a Webserver (according to them our WoT community influenced them on that point) which makes it a nice, compliant, Web of Things device. 😉


lift@hackerspace – UrbanIOT

A little while ago took place the lift@hackerspace workshop, which was the second part of the Urban-IoT 2010 workshop that took place on November 29, in Tokyo, Japan. The Urban-IoT workshop aimed to bring together experts from various areas related to smart cities to present and discuss their research in a formal, academic context. As a follow-up, the lift@hackerspace event served to deepen the conversations in a more relaxed environment context, where the various participants could explore some of the main topics and challenges that emerged during the formal session, in an open discussion format among a couple of focus...