Tagged: book


Building the Web of Things Book is Out!

December 1oth, 2014 Vlad and I signed a contract with Manning Publications for a book on the Web of Things, a year and 8 month later, we are thrilled to announce that Building the Web of Things is out! We learned the hard way that writing a book is not as trivial as it seems. “Oh, we’ll just refresh our PhD theses and we’re done in a few weeks” has gradually turned into “OK, well, I guess we’ll have to write these chapters from scratch over the next few months. What about the source code? Which source code? Let’s just...


Free book: Using the Web to Build the IoT

As we speak, “Building the Web of Things”, the world’s first Web of Things book, is in preparation to be printed. Since Vlad and I just couldn’t wait idling we decided to embark on another book adventure: Manning approached us with a great idea, a free e-book (yes free as in free beer!) about the Internet of Things! The very idea of this book is to be a collection of chapters borrowed from other books that will form a basis of technologies that will have a fundamental influence on what the IoT will become! Indeed, the Internet of Things offers...


What’s in HTTP/2 for the Internet of Things? 1/2

If you followed this blog you probably know that the motto of the Web of Things community is to re-use Web protocols to build a truly interoperable Application Layer for the Internet of Things. One of the key protocols we are talking about is HTTP currently massively deployed on the Web in its 1.1 version. HTTP/1.1 is a great protocol when used correctly to build Web Services as illustrated in this book! However, it dates back from 1999. Remember this time? Back then we were using Windows 95, wired phones to call each other and the IoT term had just...


The Web of Things has a Book!

In 2007, Vlad and I were working at SAP Research on a European project called “SOCRADES” (disclaimer: vintage video content inside, remember this was 2007 :)). The goal of that project was to create a service layer for the Internet of Things. In short it was all about integrating real-world Things to applications so that the media gap between, say, real-world sensors and ERP applications would be drastically reduced. The idea was sound, really sound. The approach we used much less… We started looking at WS-* (aka big Web Services, or SOAP WS) services and pushing them down to devices....


Getting Started with the Internet of Things Book

Our friends from Oberon microsystems (who designed yaler), just released a tech book (just like we love) about they experience with hacking around the Internet of Things. The book called “Getting Started with the Internet of Things” which is publish by our favorite nerditors O’Reilly Media is available in PDF and paper, and is written by Cuno Pfister.


Architecting the Internet of Things has a Book

Dear readers, First of all let us apologize for the infrequent posts. We are both in “final PhD writing mode” which is a rather time-consuming activity right in a time where the Web of Things is getting a real hot topic! 😉 Hence, only a small post to point you to a book. In an earlier post, we presented the Web of Things cookbook, which is in fact part of a book that just got published called: “Architecting the Internet of Things”.


Web of Things Cook-book!

Lately we’ve been quite busy working on different book-chapters. As we finalized one of them I wanted to share it with you. This chapter is the draft version (before final edition as this is the one we are actually allowed to publish here, for the final version you should buy the book!) of a chapter the “Architecting the Internet of Things” book, edited by Mark Harrison, Florian Michahelles and Dieter Uckelmann.