Category: Random


Hackathon on social devices @ WoT2011

Because we don’t like just talking but also doing, we’ve decided to set up an exciting warm-up for our upcoming WoT2011 workshop. I named: a hackathon on social device that will take place on the 11 June 2011 somewhere in San Francisco. In 3 words (okay more than 3):


Web Mashup Platforms for Future Programmable Cities panel @ SXSW11

We finally can announce the panel we’re organizing at SXSW Interactive 2011! Our panel is entitled: “Web Mashup Platforms for Future Programmable Cities“. We are delighted to have Dominique Guinard from… well you know him, Christine Outram who is the director of the City Innovation Group at Senseable City Lab at MIT and project lead of the Copenhagen Wheel project, and Rachel Sterne who is the freshly appointed Chief Digital Officer for the City of New York, and I will be hosting and moderating the panel. The reason I invited these fine folks was because each of them can bring...

546 Gets a Small Lifting

You might have noticed that the blog got a small lifting lately. This post is just meant to draw your attention on the three new sections of the blog: Events: if you want to meet the WoT community, these are the places to be! We list there the latest workshops, conferences and hack-camps we organize, like the upcoming WoT 2011 Projects: we are currently in a heavy let’s-open-source-everything-we-have phase. Thus, expect to find more projects there soon. We already list two of them. Publications: this is where you can find our common publications, ranging from scientific papers to book-chapters, presentations...


lift@hackerspace – UrbanIOT

A little while ago took place the lift@hackerspace workshop, which was the second part of the Urban-IoT 2010 workshop that took place on November 29, in Tokyo, Japan. The Urban-IoT workshop aimed to bring together experts from various areas related to smart cities to present and discuss their research in a formal, academic context. As a follow-up, the lift@hackerspace event served to deepen the conversations in a more relaxed environment context, where the various participants could explore some of the main topics and challenges that emerged during the formal session, in an open discussion format among a couple of focus...

Urban-IOT soon (and program ready) – join us in Tokyo! 84

Urban-IOT soon (and program ready) – join us in Tokyo!

We have been working hard to finalize the program of the Urban-IOT workshop that will take place very soon in Tokyo. In addition to a classic workshop with paper presentations and demos, we have prepared a second part, that will change your perception of what an academic workshop would look like. As we didn’t receive any industrial funding, we are sorry to say that we couldn’t afford to invite the people we had planned for a keynote (yeah, seems like industries aren’t interested in this topic… yet…). But no worries, we’ll use this time to hack and work! From 3...

Call for Papers: LocWeb 2010 13

Call for Papers: LocWeb 2010

Seems like the call for papers-season is opened again 🙂 Here is the CFP of the already well-known LocWeb workshop, an important Workshop for the Web of Things as location is certainly the most important and valuable context information for Web-enabled smart things! ******************************************************************** *** 2nd Call for Papers: LocWeb 2010 *** ******************************************************************** Third International Workshop on Location and the Web (LocWeb 2010) Tokyo, Japan, November 29, 2010 Co-located with Internet of Things 2010 (IoT 2010) Twitter: @LocWeb2010 ( The Third International Workshop on Location and the Web (LocWeb 2010) focuses on research and development that targets the...

Healing the WoT Feed! 8

Healing the WoT Feed!

Dear readers, A few days ago we missed being listed here because our feed was ill (a weird, non ASCII char appeared in one of the posts)! I gave it some steroids and while at it moved it to an Atom feed. For a RESTifarian community as such as ours, it was somewhat weird to actually support RSS and not Atom and its great, RESTful, AtomPub protocol. Now, since I moved the default Atom, subscribed members might have some problems, many (only?) in the case they use a bad feed client. Thus if you suddenly are not able to see...

WoT 2010 and WoT 2011? 165

WoT 2010 and WoT 2011?

Update: Check out WoT 2011 at Pervasive 2011 Since we came back from WoT 2010 about a month ago, I’ve been wanting to post a small wrap up about it. So let’s really do it before WoT 2011 takes place 🙂 Before WoT The idea of launching the WoT workshop came from discussion with our Professor Friedemann Mattern and Erik Wilde from UC Berkeley. The main goal of the event was to bring together researchers interested in the Web of Things concepts and bootstrap a scientific community on the topic. We got a total of 28 papers and 5 demo...

Sharing Using Social Networks in a Composable Web of Things 656

Sharing Using Social Networks in a Composable Web of Things

A few weeks ago I posted about a project we currently work on for sharing web-enabled things using social networks. During WoT 2010 (which I’ll wrap up here soon!) I had the chance to present it and got quite a good feedback. People where mainly wondering about the scalability of such a system. If an access controller such as SAC was to be implemented for every “thing” how would that scale? We discussed its deployment on platforms such as Google Appengine which are highly scalable. We also talked about distributed versions of SAC. People also had concerns about the “user-friendliness”...

Internet developers day – part 2 1,278

Internet developers day – part 2

Here is part 2, part one is here. One Web, Yoan Blanc, doSimple. We thought of a single uniform web. Banana phone, with WAP. Now we have tons of devices that try to surf the Web and they all want the same level of experience (mobile browser market share version 1.0 image). Discusses the <meta viewport>, that allows it to fit on many mobile devices (he talks about ppk, peter paul koch who does testing of mobile browsers). Testing: MicroEmulator runs opera mini. You don’t need an iPhone app! Html is enough. You can also use manifest.cache to specify what...