Author: Dominique Guinard


Tourism and the Web of Things?

When Massimiliano Ventimiglia (aka. Max, from H-art), first asked me to give a keynote at the BTO (Buy Tourism Online) 2011 conference, I was rather puzzled: what can the Web of Things bring to tourism? What innovation can we fuel in this rather distant field? Well, after several brainstorming sessions with the crew at Evrythng, we had so many application ideas that I had to filter most of them in order not to overload the talk!


Koubachi Launching Beta

A while ago, in an interview for Postscapes I was talking about a start-up, good friend of ours and spin-off of our research group at ETH which was building plant monitoring sensors. I had the chance to test them and was rather amazed by this practical, truly Web of Things type of project. They are just about to ramp-up production of their first hardware product – a WiFi Plant Sensor. Internal sources told me it’ll be launched in Spring 2012 but we’ll keep you updated on this one. Meanwhile, the guys are currently launching a Web version of their plant...

Web of Things Application Architecture 571

PhD Thesis: A Web of Things Application Architecture

Thesis Download | Citation Key | Presentation News: This PhD Thesis was awarded with an ETH Medal. As the eternal second (although my thesis was finished first ;-P), I’m following Vlad’s great idea to make the final version of my thesis available to you, WoTters! Vlad and I were always pretty complementary in building our shared vision of the Web of Things. As such, my thesis is focusing more on the “software engineering” aspects of the Web of Things. I’d like to see it as a cookbook for implementing the Web of Things in such a way that for every...


Google X Working on the Web of Things? Should we Like it or Fear it?

Update: There is a pretty relevant discussion about that going on in the Web of Things LinkedIn group, make sure your check it out! Yes, the news came out a few days ago through the New York Times: At Google X, where he is working on the Web of things, according to people familiar with his role, he has the mysterious title of rapid evaluator So Google might well be working on the Web of Things. We, we kind of guessed already, through project like the Android at Home (which is you ask me is definitely missing the “Web” of...


Oh HTML5 WebSockets, Push Data to my Mobile!

At last a slightly geeky post 😉 ! A few days ago I was at Google Zurich (GTUG) to present a more technical remix of a talk I originally gave at Jazoon 2011. In a nutshell, the talk was about how HTML5 WebSockets would soon be ready for pushing data to mobile phones in a standard way (and possibly soon to/from any embedded device?). In a Web of Things context, we used this at the MIT Auto-ID labs to push data “directly” from RFID readers to Android or iOS mobile phones within a few lines of Javascript code (for the...


Cookie Time!

A side effect of running the Web of Things blog is to get a daily number of “request for articles” (i.e., requests for free advertisement on your blog of my product). Most of them are totally completely and entirely unrelated to the Web of Things (and Vlad has a pretty interesting standard reply-mail for these ;-P) but once in a while you get a little pearl that is definitely worth talking about. We got two of those lately: one being rather serious, the other being awesomely delicious! Let me share the latter with you today and keep the other for...


A Web of Things Application Architecture

Here, we go: Vlad and I both defended our PhDs a few days, respectively weeks ago. We will certainly soon share the content of our respective written thesis (we currently look into making a book out of the two, any interested publisher out there?) but meanwhile I wanted to share the content of my final presentation (aka PhD defense).


Ambient Things on the Internet – ATI 2011

A few days ago, this call for paper was brought to my attention (thanks to Marino Linaje). It has two interesting aspects: 1) It is quite close to the CFP of WoT, the International Workshop on the Web of Things. 2) It was initiated by people from the service/Web communities which shows the increasing interest in the topic on the Web-side of Things (WoT was slightly more on the Things-side of Things, i.e., ubiquitous/pervasive computing).