

The Web of Things has a Book!

In 2007, Vlad and I were working at SAP Research on a European project called “SOCRADES” (disclaimer: vintage video content inside, remember this was 2007 :)). The goal of that project was to create a service layer for the Internet of Things. In short it was all about integrating real-world Things to applications so that the media gap between, say, real-world sensors and ERP applications would be drastically reduced. The idea was sound, really sound. The approach we used much less… We started looking at WS-* (aka big Web Services, or SOAP WS) services and pushing them down to devices....


ebay’s IoT Collections: The Mashable Web of Things Home

Welcome to our final blog from the eBay Internet of Things collections series! In our penultimate post in this series, we were showing you how to implement a low-tech version of home automation using NFC and the EVRYTHNG engine. This time we’ll look at the bleeding-edge version of our connected home! A home where appliances can be piped together easily to create a dynamically reconfigurable home. Just like you can use IFTTT or Yahoo Pipes to create smart workflows for your data (e.g. if I tweet this, post this to my LinkedIn profile and update this Google Spreadsheet) you should be able to configure...


It’s the Fourth International Workshop on the Web of Things!

We’re happy to confirm that WoT 2013 is going to take place on September 9th in Zurich, collocated with the UbiComp 2013 conference! This time, it’s going to be jointly organized by ETH Zurich (Simon), EVRYTHNG Ltd. (Vlad & Dom), and the World Wide Web consortium (Dave) – and we’ll be supported by program committee members from all around the world. As for the last three editions of the workshop, there will also be a WoT-Hackathon (on Sep. 8th) – and we’ll have an open demonstration session for all workshop participants, so get your projects, papers, prototypes, APIs and ideas...


The Web of Things explained to your children!

At last! We eventually have a document that vulgarizes the Internet and the Web of Things, oh JOY! I’ll be able to illustrate to mom/sister/grand children (I’ll have to wait a while for that though ;-)) what I’ve been doing for the last 7 years of my life without having them go like: “hmmm oooookayyyyyy”! The one and only problem: the article is in … French.