Tagged: community


Important announcement – we joined EVRYTHNG Ltd.

Dear readers, today we have an important announcement to make: we both finished our PhDs, so are now officially “doctors” ;). But the important part is that we’ve teamed up with entrepreneurs Niall Murphy (founder of WiFi network The Cloud, acquired by BSkyB last year) and Andy Hobsbawm (founder of Online Magic, which later became Agency.com) to form a very cool venture called EVRYTHNG, that is working in the area of Web of Things! You bet! Dom has taken upon the role of Chief Technology Officer, while mine is Chief Product Officer. EVRYTHNG is funded by the awesome Atomico (Skype’s Niklas...


So? What’s going on guys?

Folks, we’re both sorry for having been totally silent for the last few weeks (ok, months…) but this was for a very good reason: we finally both finished writing our PhD theses a few days ago (yaay)!!! This means we have officially sent the final draft of our thesis to our committee, and are now preparing for our final defense (Dom’s on the 15th August, mine 2 weeks later, on the 26.8). Then (if all works according to the plan) we’ll be both become doctors of science (how cool is that!). Then we’ll be both doing our civil service (something...


Web Mashup Platforms for Future Programmable Cities panel @ SXSW11

We finally can announce the panel we’re organizing at SXSW Interactive 2011! Our panel is entitled: “Web Mashup Platforms for Future Programmable Cities“. We are delighted to have Dominique Guinard from… well you know him, Christine Outram who is the director of the City Innovation Group at Senseable City Lab at MIT and project lead of the Copenhagen Wheel project, and Rachel Sterne who is the freshly appointed Chief Digital Officer for the City of New York, and I will be hosting and moderating the panel. The reason I invited these fine folks was because each of them can bring...


LIFT11 – talk transcript

The transcript of my talk at LIFT this afternoon. Thought it would be a good intro to WoT (although very high level), so I shared it here. Thoughts & feedback more than welcome! Yeah, it’s a lot of text, and it’s ugly to read on a blog, so I also made a pretty PDF you can print or read later.


Big data and smart cities

I didn’t blog much in the last months as I was fortunate enough to spend the second half of 2010 as a researcher at the MIT SENSEable City Lab. I spent most of my time working on the LIVE Singapore! project (and living between Boston and Singapore), in particular exploring the “so what?” aspect of WoT – that is how to actually build something useful on top of all these sensors. This project is very timely and matches wonderfully with what’s happening right now in the data.gov and smart cities spheres.

Touch the Web 2010 @ ICWE 2010 5,148

Touch the Web 2010 @ ICWE 2010

A few days ago I had the chance to participate to the “touch the Web 2010” workshop. The goals of the workshop were rather similar to the ones of WoT 2010 however, rather than being hosted at a Ubicomp/Pervasive venue, Touch the Web was collocated with ICWE2010, a pure Web engineering conference. The most surprising fact was probably how close the two communities are getting. Web people are increasingly interested in embedded/physical/sensor computing, and on the other hand, pervasive people are getting more and more convinced that the Web protocols as not so bad after all (take this paper for...

Research plan for Pervasive 2009 2,743

Research plan for Pervasive 2009

Folks, I’m currently drafting my final research plan for my phd based on the input I got from various sources (thanks to all who helped me with that). That reminds me that I actually went to Japan to publish my initial research plan, and as it’s under press anyway, I put it here so that you can read all read it (and YES, give me more feedback about it). Of course, the current one is so much better (and I’m soo modest), but anyway it contains some scientific basis of my current research so that you have a better idea...

Open Energy Monitor 3,157

Open Energy Monitor

From the original website: This is a project to develop and build a free and open source energy monitor. Energy monitoring is a key technology in building a bright and smart sustainable future. An Energy monitor is a device that enables you to look at your energy use in detail, which appliances use the most energy and when they use it. This makes using energy more efficiently easier. Definitely a cool initiative and I would love seeing more projects like this one.

WoT keynote (and clones :) 4,567

WoT keynote (and clones :)

I never know if I need to be happy or sad when I see other people mentioning WoT. Don’t get me wrong: I’m totally happy to see people pushing forward the same ideas we have here, make them better, build upon them and reuse them for their own projects. One year ago, most people I talked to were like “aha, use web on devices…. but why? Why not use something made for devices?”. It didn’t sound right at that time, but when you think about a world of web enabled devices, then you can see tons of bulbs turning on....