Author: Vlad Trifa


4 key trends from Sketching In Hardware 2014

Last week we attended the Sketching In Hardware event, a 3-day workshop in Berlin that explored the perceived boundaries of the tech industry, and worked towards figuring out ways to overcome those challenges. It was a great opportunity to take the pulse of the hardware prototyping community, and answer key questions like: What are the hottest devices, platforms, or tools in the community? What are the coolest use cases for the Internet of Things? What are the newest trends that are shaking up the tech industry? After full immersion in this thriving environment of thinkers and innovators, four key trends that...


WoT proud to be a part of the inaugural Hackfest at IoT Week London

As part of London’s IoT Week 2014 there will be a three day Hackfest taking place and Web of Things, along with partners of the European Project COMPOSE are proud to announce that we will be organizing one of the challenges: inviting enthusiasts to bring their ideas along and build their prototypes utilizing cutting edge platforms provided by numerous sponsors and European Projects.


The digital horizon: A connected, adaptive, intelligent landscape for business’

As proud media partners of O’Reilly Solid 2014, we thought we’d fuel some discussion on an area of particular interest to us, before it all kicks off next month. The topic we decided to look at was how the Internet of Things will impact business processes in the future, as one of the more interesting and significant challenges facing modern business, we thought, what better place to start?


International Open Data Day on Saturday

Our friend Hannes is using the excuse of the International Open Data Day this saturday to catch up and work on the Urban Data Challenge (February 6 – March 31) projects kicked off at Lift Conference 13 (plus inspire everyone who was not there to start one too!). They will have a video conference with the teams in San Francisco, and tune in to all the Open Data happenings around the world this weekend. People from the community will be present to give a scoop on their upcoming Open Finance hackathon in Bern, and future open data events in...


Arduino + Processing + Android = Tellart

As make magazine reports, our friends from Tellart just released a fabulous tutorial for a toolkit and code samples to build prototypes that bind any android device with Arduinos. You’ll definitely find some great examples to get started within the 25 samples included, so we encourage you to give it a try! This week we’re happy to update that list of toolkits with a suite of materials focused on connecting any Android device (mobile or tablet) with the Arduino ADK microcontroller, with the Processing language to tie them together. The materials are a combination of “how-to” installation guides, working Arduino...


I saw the future of M2M in Budapest: smart vending machines!

A few days ago, we presented our newly launched developer portal for the EVRYTHNG Engine at the M2M Partner Event in Budapest organized by Deutsche Telekom. The event took place in the Hungarian Railway Museum, and I gave a talk in a lovely 19th century wagon, which was (retro-)fitted with a plasma screen (I’d have preferred air-conditioning considering 20 brains steaming in such a tiny “room”).


WoT Nuggets – 10 October 2012

One thing I love when taking the pulse of the blogosphere, is the four short links series posted by Nat Torkington on O’Reilly’s Radar. Every day, four interesting links/resources carefully handpicked are presented, along with a short description. That’s the perfect daily fix to see what’s happening around and make sure not to miss the headlines of the day or simply some cool/nerdy/geeky links. Unfortunately, there is nothing like that for the Web of Thing world, so I thought it would be great to start it today on the WoT blog. Ok. Maybe not every day though.


Digital Credit Cards

NOTE: This is a guest post by Hillary Jones. You can read more about this topic here and contact her per email. The reason I found this topic relevant for our readers is because I recently heard about the Barclaycard PayTag, which fascinates me as idea because it allows to turn every day objects into a mobile, contactless payment method. This is highly relevant for the Web of Things as detachable tags (and by extension thin electric circuits) offer a “digital skin” to common objects which makes them easily part of the Web. E-wallet technologies may unburden wallets everywhere and...


The Ard-Vark project

Folks, this is a guest post from Kerwin Lumpkins who is working on a cool project he put on Kickstarter (there’s a video there too), check it out!! He has built a prototype and would like to have it funded to produce more of these. As we’re always happy to share cool projects made by others as well, here you go 🙂 The Ard-Vark is a basic electronics box that has wifi built in to allow easy remote control through a mobile app, and has the following features: Arduino compatible (can use the Arduino IDE as is, based on Leonardo...


ARM to lead the IoT?

It’s very exciting for us to see all the noise (& reposts) or the ARM Cortex-M0+ processor (aka. the “flycatcher”) that was unveiled yesterday. Branded as the world’s most energy-efficient microprocessor it is optimized to deliver high performance (with a 32 bits architecture!) for a very low power consumption, which makes it the ideal chip for intelligent sensors and smart control systems in a broad range of applications. In other words, the ideal chip to power the Web of Things.