Tagged: wot

David E. Culler, UC Berkley on RESTful Sensor Networks 617

David E. Culler, UC Berkley on RESTful Sensor Networks

Today, Vlad and I had the chance of taking part to a talk from David E. Culler from UC Berkley, one of the main TinyOS contributors. While Vlad is going to summarize the talk a bit later here, I’d like to talk a bit more about the end of the talk. One one of his slides he had a figure of what he would like to see implemented on WSNs at the node level. Besides a comprehensive IPV6lowpan (aka 6lowpan) stack he mentioned an implementation of HTTP and, moreover, a web server! The next slide was about sense making and...

David Oban talks about OpenSpime and WideSpime Internet of Things. 404

David Oban talks about OpenSpime and WideSpime Internet of Things.

David Oban talks about OpenSpime, an open Internet of Things. The Trend Cisco is forming the Internet Smart Object alliance, which promotes the used of IP in Networks of Smart Objects not long after this announcement they also acquired Jabber to extend their knowledge in messaging. The EU is organizing a number of Internet of Things workshops, thus it seems like the IoT is becoming a reality not sci-fi anymore. Spime Application Space Spime is the contraction of SPace and tIME. It’s about a new category of objects aware of their surroundings. As an example CO2 Spime collects the CO2...

We WANT YOU: Web of Things Job @ SAP Research 399

We WANT YOU: Web of Things Job @ SAP Research

You are still a student or look for an internship? The web of things attracts you like a huge (RESTful) magnet? Well then you might be interested in joining us at SAP Research! Ok, we said this blog isn’t gonna be “yetanotherSAPpage” but still this time it fits quite well. We are launching a number of sub projects related to the Web of Things at SAP Research Zurich and are actively looking for motivated students to support us! Check out the ad: zh_04 … and send us your CV and motivation letter, we’re looking forward!

Talk at Liip 659

Talk at Liip

Oh, that’s a good topic to start the new year (a little late okay)! Happy new year anyway! We just gave a talk on the Web of Things, over at the folks from liip, a cool swiss Web development company with whom we share common interests (i.e. making the Web cooler). The slides of the talk are online: intro & demo (@Dom: put your slides here dude, UPDATE: It’s down there dude! :-)). Too many things to present in such a short time, but we hope this would lead to further discussions (and hopefully collaborations) with Web developers, to learn...

and … a bit of History… 235

and … a bit of History…

My turn to Welcome you (Vlad’s always first, gosh that guy is just too quick for me!) to the Web of Things (or WOT for the insiders). We’ve been talking about that blog for almost a year now but a number and we’ve been working for an even longer while on topics around the Web of Things. I started in 2006 by exploring the wide world of RFID there already, rather than looking at connecting one reader to a computer we explored ways of considering a global world of tagged objects being observed at a million places a day. Back...