Tagged: workshop

Introducing the first W3C Web of Things Workshop 2,832

Introducing the first W3C Web of Things Workshop

A short post to draw your attention on a significant upcoming milestone: the first W3C organized workshop on the Web of Things will take place in Germany on June 25 and 26, 2014. As many of you probably know together with great researchers and practitioners around the globe we’ve been running our own Web of Things workshops, promoting the use of Web standards as the application layer for the IoT, for the last 5 years now. True! However, what’s special about this particular workshop is the fact that it was ignited by the W3C itself. Having a discussion about the...


It’s the Fourth International Workshop on the Web of Things!

We’re happy to confirm that WoT 2013 is going to take place on September 9th in Zurich, collocated with the UbiComp 2013 conference! This time, it’s going to be jointly organized by ETH Zurich (Simon), EVRYTHNG Ltd. (Vlad & Dom), and the World Wide Web consortium (Dave) – and we’ll be supported by program committee members from all around the world. As for the last three editions of the workshop, there will also be a WoT-Hackathon (on Sep. 8th) – and we’ll have an open demonstration session for all workshop participants, so get your projects, papers, prototypes, APIs and ideas...


Deadline Extension for WoT 2012

Just a brief post to announce that the deadline for submitting papers to the 3rd International Workshop on Web of Things has been extended! You now have until March 16th to submit your Web of Things related research work/prototype/demonstrator, more info here: https://webofthings.org/wot/2012/ Looking forward to seeing you there! By the way, the organization team is still looking for one more industrial sponsor who would like to give a keynote at the event! Ping us if you are interested!


Ambient Things on the Internet – ATI 2011

A few days ago, this call for paper was brought to my attention (thanks to Marino Linaje). It has two interesting aspects: 1) It is quite close to the CFP of WoT, the International Workshop on the Web of Things. 2) It was initiated by people from the service/Web communities which shows the increasing interest in the topic on the Web-side of Things (WoT was slightly more on the Things-side of Things, i.e., ubiquitous/pervasive computing).


WoT 2011: Program

In a little more than a week (12.06.2011) we will kick-start the second international workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2011). 2011 is the year of many WoT realizations and this is reflected in the, we believe, rather thrilling program of WoT 2011. Here is a brief preview of WoT is to expect 😉


Hackathon and planning

As Dom recently mentioned, we are not abandoning WoT, on the contrary, we are currently planning our next move after our graduation in the next few months (most likely in the entrepreneurial world, so if you have plans/offers/funding/ideas, we’re all ears and evaluating how we can best leverage our WoT know how). But until then, we’re both just damn busy writing our dissertation 🙁 and preparing WoT 2011 workshop 🙂


Touch the Web 2011

While heavily working on preparing a nice WoT 2011 workshop we wanted to share with you the call for paper of a “competing” workshop: Touch the Web. I had the chance to attend it last year and I must say I was impressed by the quality of discussions. It was a rather small but very focused crowd, slightly more on the Web-side than on the things-side with a hint of model driven architectures (probably influenced by the mother conference it is attached to: ICWE), which makes it actually nicely complementary to WoT.


Hackathon on social devices @ WoT2011

Because we don’t like just talking but also doing, we’ve decided to set up an exciting warm-up for our upcoming WoT2011 workshop. I named: a hackathon on social device that will take place on the 11 June 2011 somewhere in San Francisco. In 3 words (okay more than 3):


WoT Workshop: Deadline Extension

A very brief post to announce that the deadline for submitting papers to the Web of Things workshop was extended to the February 11, 2011. Meanwhile we are also organizing some nice add-ons to the workshop like a hack-camp, some nice products demonstrations, a best paper award and hopefully a nice dinner so that we can all strategize together about the future of the Web of Things! So, you have one more week to submit your papers, we look forward to read your papers!


lift@hackerspace – UrbanIOT

A little while ago took place the lift@hackerspace workshop, which was the second part of the Urban-IoT 2010 workshop that took place on November 29, in Tokyo, Japan. The Urban-IoT workshop aimed to bring together experts from various areas related to smart cities to present and discuss their research in a formal, academic context. As a follow-up, the lift@hackerspace event served to deepen the conversations in a more relaxed environment context, where the various participants could explore some of the main topics and challenges that emerged during the formal session, in an open discussion format among a couple of focus...