Tagged: lift09

LIFT Afternoon 253

LIFT Afternoon

A few running notes I took during the conference, not very elaborate, but thought would share them with you. Ramesh Srinivasan from UCLA What happens when you give technology to other people, who will use it their own way such as fisherman using mobile phones to alert family in case of natural disaster, or people who generate money with mobile phones in Africa. But what does this mean in our world, in our cultures? There are particular ways things are to be used, but people can use them for other purposes, they are locally meaningful. Ontologies for different cultures, different...

History of the Web 224

History of the Web

James Gillies: history of the Web We must write the story before everyone forgets. We can’t just write the story of the Web, as you’d have also to tell the story of hypertext, computers and PC. An early innovator was Vannevar Bush in “As we may think” (1945). Human mind associate things rather randomly. Then Doug Engelbart hypertext, in the 60’s with the first mouse, then at xerox parc people built it. Later paul baran contributed to arpanet, world’s first LAN, based with packet switching (1971). Then Network + Network + Network = Network. The idea was really that several...

Keynotes at Lift: David Rose 10

Keynotes at Lift: David Rose

Great pleasure to be able to attend another talk from David Rose from Ambient Devices and Vitality Inc. Instead of a pure transcription I’ll try to sum up some aspects of the talk. Note that does not entirely reflect what Dave meant but rather my interpretation of the talk. Dave began by talking about clairvoyance and magics. He explained how they materialized these chimers into the well-known Orb which changes its color according to a trend. Dave then explained how ambient devices where between push and pull technologies, how they should be peripherial and seamless with the environment(s). He explained...

Lift Day 1: Morning 13

Lift Day 1: Morning

Nicolas Nova : The recurring failure of holy grail The video phone started in the 60’s, but it was too expensive (27$ per min). Then other attempts of videophones, but still technology sucked, images were lagging. Now you still have new attempts of the video phone (Asus 2008). Another holy grail is the smart fridge. Good idea to have a screen in the fridge to watch movies or have the net, so people can check recipes. Many smart fridges have been launched, but still they are not really used. Another example is LBS, it’s been 20 years that people tried...

LIFT workshop SOLD OUT! 139

LIFT workshop SOLD OUT!

Thanks to all the marvellous folks who signed up for our workshop @ LIFT. It’s been sold out for many days, yet people keep asking to join in desperately. We wish of course to have all of them join in, but as we want to make them all attendees work and think hard, we have decided to limit how many people join in to 25. That way we can ensure that people can work in small groups and be all productive. We have printed special badges for a special purpose (you’ll know why at the workshop), a couple more than...