Tagged: home

Mashing Up our Web-Enabled Homes 317

Mashing Up our Web-Enabled Homes

Imagine every home appliance being 1) IPv6 enabled 2) RESTful, imagine the tools you could create on top of such an eco-system! In particular, imagine the idea of “physical mashups” becoming a reality in our homes sweet homes: creating simple, ad-hoc applications on top of your appliances as easily as you can create Web 2.0 (virtual) mashups nowadays. The dream of every hacker and tech-saavy? Well at least one of our dreams (and part of my Ph.D. by the way ;-))! Well a dream that we have been trying to demonstrate and implement lately. The outcome is two papers. In...

Homecamp anyone? 1,221

Homecamp anyone?

We’ll be going (okay, I’ll be going) to homecamp this saturday in London and hopefully present a quick and dirty demo of what we’re currently doing a with some real devices. Of course, we were supposed to have the LHC with us and a crew of flash programmers to do a kick ass-demo. But we didn’t. So I’ll just bring a “work in progress fast prototype” of what we have currently to show the potentials of WOT (such as some rfid-enabled websites, a physical mashup of energy consumption, and some curl to get data from sensor nets). There were supposed...

Are you Energy-Efficient? Sense it the Web Way!

Just felt like sharing with you one of our latest prototype which we created for a private foundation working in the field of energy awareness and sustainability in Switzerland called Cudrefin02. I think that a major burden for people, who want to save energy at home, is for them to identify how much energy is consumed by different appliances. How much does my computer consume in operation / when it is powered off? Is the consumption of my energy-saving lamp significantly lower in the long run than the normal lamp I’ve got there? Such questions are key to understand where...