Tagged: enterprise

Operational Challenges and Solutions for Mashups – An Experience Report 55

Operational Challenges and Solutions for Mashups – An Experience Report

Frederic Majer, Martin Nussbaumer and Patrick Freudenstein Operational Challenges and Solutions for Mashups – An Experience Report Frederic held the last presentation of this year’s MEM 2009. He starts by explaining how mashups often do not really mature. Operation and maintenance is a challenge and is often simply not considered which prevents mashup to turn into real and often-used applications. He explains how he will this paper describe general operational challenges from a provider’s perspective and present dedicated models and processes focusing on providing sufficient service level agreements. He introduces the CampusMap mashup which helps people finding their way on...

SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace 11,037

SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace

Volker Hoyer (again ;-)), Florian Gilles, Kathrin Fleischmann, Alexander Dreiling and Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva present the RoofTop mashup tool. Volker is on the scene again, this time demoing RoofTop, a mashup editor for enterprise mashups. Volker compares the steps toward building a mashup to those on the market place: Knowledge, Intention, Contract or Design and Settlement. This is also the way RoofTop is structured. He starts the demo by explaining how you can search for widgets either by browsing the catalogue or by means of keywords this is the so called-knowledge phase. The next phase is intention, that’s when the user...

Cloud-based Enterprise Mashup Integration Services for B2B Scenarios 2,514

Cloud-based Enterprise Mashup Integration Services for B2B Scenarios

Robert Siebeck, Till Janner, Christoph Schroth, Volker Hoyer, Wolfgang Woerndl and Florian Urmetzer on Cloud-based Enterprise Mashup Integration Services for B2B Scenarios. In this first talk of the 2nd International Workshop on Mashups, Enterprise Mashups and Lightweight Composition on the Web at the WWW conference (WWW 2009), Volker Hoyer (a colleague from SAP Research in St-Gallen) talks about patterns to integrate information resources (e.g. an ERP) and generic cloud services (e.g. storage) in the context of enterprise computing. Enterprise mashups are web resources that combine other web resources that have a business relevance, but unlike traditional compositions mashups can be...