Tagged: conference

Live from the 2nd Workshop on Mashups, Enterprise Mashups and Lightweight (goood! ;-)) Composition on the Web (MEM 2009) 17

Live from the 2nd Workshop on Mashups, Enterprise Mashups and Lightweight (goood! ;-)) Composition on the Web (MEM 2009)

Mashups encapsulate this idea of making integration of service easier so that even normal people (i.e. not complete-geeks) can create small ad-hoc apps on top of services on the Web. We’d like to apply this approach to things so that you can for example, make your alarm clock talk to your toaster (e.g. I’m waking up, prepare my toats) without going into FPGA or PLC programming! Thus, we sent a paper at this (according to colleagues) state-of-the-art workshop on mashups. The paper got accepted and here am I, at WWW 2009 and live blogging the workshop for our beloved visitors...

Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices 909

Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices

After having some troubles getting the Web of Things idea accepted by the scientific community it seems like the last weeks bring the wind of change 😉 The paper: “Towards the Web of Things: Web Mashups for Embedded Devices” we submitted a while ago to the MEM workshop of the WWW 2009 conference just got accepted. In this paper we better explain the concepts behind the Web of Things, namely we talk about the way we implement RESTful APIs for embedded devices. Furthermore, we discuss the different integration methods to connect embedded devices and sensor networks to the Web. Showing...

Poken: review quickie 792

Poken: review quickie

I’ve been meaning to write a quick review of my experience with Poken at LIFT conference. Poken is a small toy/gadet/figurine/whatever that has some near field connectivity (something like an active RFID) in it. The point is that when you meet somebody who also has a Poken you high-five your two figurines together (high-four actually, it missed a limb as it’s not human), and then you’re best friend forever on all your social networks at once. We got a sort of strippeddown Pokens for free as part of our LIFT badges, which I found to be a really awesome idea...

Lift Day 1: Morning 21

Lift Day 1: Morning

Nicolas Nova : The recurring failure of holy grail The video phone started in the 60’s, but it was too expensive (27$ per min). Then other attempts of videophones, but still technology sucked, images were lagging. Now you still have new attempts of the video phone (Asus 2008). Another holy grail is the smart fridge. Good idea to have a screen in the fridge to watch movies or have the net, so people can check recipes. Many smart fridges have been launched, but still they are not really used. Another example is LBS, it’s been 20 years that people tried...

Afternoon talks at the Internet des Objets day 559

Afternoon talks at the Internet des Objets day

Jean-Louis Fréchin (ENSI) has been working for a long time in the design of technological objects, and gave an awesome talk about technologies from a designer perspective. The interface is an object. “Beau et bon” (beautiful and good) he says about the iPhone. He is making (building) digital artifacts, from services to objects rather than the other way around. It’s so much about software than hardware, and it’s becoming hard to differentiate between digital (software) interface and the hardware, there is tangible aspect to objects. “N0-Objects” – new digital objects, novel kinds on networked devices, all kinds of network structures, and...

Liveblog – Internet des Objets workshop 47

Liveblog – Internet des Objets workshop

Today, Dominique and I went to Sierre for a meeting on the Internet of Things. It was hosted by at the technoark at Sierre and their activities. It’s a startup incubator with around 10 statups working on ICTs. Daniel Kaplan introduced the IoT. Cameras are a rich sensors that shall be integrated, on top of which different applications could be run (motion and people recognition). The Web came out from its virtual world and is integrating real objects. This brought us to the concept of cities? It’s about public places and the notion of information sharing, who is able to...