Tim O’Reilly: “The next stage of Web 2.0 is going to be driven by sensors”

Not that we did not know it, but when somebody as important for the Web community as Tim O’Reilly says it, it becomes even more true!

Apparently according to Tim O’Reilly at the Web 2.0 Expo the next evolution of the Web is going to be physical or to be more precise, driven by sensors.

In his O’Reilly Radar post, Dylan Field talks about a few concrete applications of this Web of sensors. We also listed some and are about to list the other ones we are working on. Understanding the use of the sensor Web and having examples of killers apps is really key in building the sensor Web and making it convincing. But instead of having us only describing our prototypes, it would be a several orders of magnitude more interesting to get YOUR input!

What application of the sensor Web to you envision/work on? Post your ideas and links here as comments and let’s blog about it!

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