Tagged: talk

Web of Things @ SXSW 2011? 2,578

Web of Things @ SXSW 2011?

Some of you might remember/have attended our SXSW 2010 workshop. Well we enjoyed giving it so much that we decided to come up with two brand new proposals for this year’s SXSW! The Real-World as a Web API is our first proposal: The world of “physical devices” such as home appliances/electronics, real-time city data, RFID-tagged objects, mobile phones, etc. has long been longing for a seamless and universal integration platform. Out of a great number of heavy-and-not-so-great middleware a surprising one is emerging: the Web! In this presentation we would like to show how Web developers might well be the...

When Things Will “Speak Web”: Invited Lecture at Lancaster University 4,446

When Things Will “Speak Web”: Invited Lecture at Lancaster University

A few days ago, I was kindly invited by Gerd Kortuem to give a lecture on the Web of Things for students of Lancaster University. The talk was given in frame of a “Software Innovation and Entrepreneurship” lecture. Thus, the students had both business and technical backgrounds. I quite enjoyed giving it especially since the students asked very relevant questions on aspects such as security, discovery, the real-time Web, etc. You can find a full recording (about 1.5 hours) of the lecture here, but you’ll need to install the plug-in to watch it (sorry about that!). Alternatively you can find...

Why is the Web Loosely Coupled? A Multi-Faceted Metric for Service Design 3,302

Why is the Web Loosely Coupled? A Multi-Faceted Metric for Service Design

Why is the Web Loosely Coupled? A Multi-Faceted Metric for Service Design by Cesare Pautasso and Erik Wilde. Dom: Just for the records, I have to admit that this paper is clearly amongst my top five for 2009. It’s a paper we can use and cite quite a lot in frame of our web of things projects in order to justify our design choices. Cesare begins by asking the audience whether WSDL is loosely-coupled? Most people said no which kind of crashed Cesare’s effect (Dom: I guess many people like me pre-read the paper ;-)). Some aspects of WSDL go...

WWW 09: Keynote: Tim Berners Lee: Reflecting on 20 years of the world wide web. 2,413

WWW 09: Keynote: Tim Berners Lee: Reflecting on 20 years of the world wide web.

Keynote: Tim Berners Lee: Reflecting on 20 years of the world wide web. Note by Dom: as usual this is not a real transcript but a mashup of a summary and my own interpretation of the talk. Tim starts by talking about the program of www 2009 and in particular he sees that: Search and search optimization has a big place.Advertising science is also appearing as an important topic, which shows the tendency to also study how to efficiently monetarize the Web.The move to the mobile web is also definitely reflected in this year’s program. He then moves on talking...

Towards an Advertising Business Model for Composable Web Services 919

Towards an Advertising Business Model for Composable Web Services

Michiaki Tatsubori from IBM presents: Towards an Advertising Business Model for Composable Web Services. Internet advertising is still really growing, slowly advertisers drift from traditional media like TV to the web where customization is more accessible. Michiaki presents an example of a mashup service that consume several public transportation timetables to enable users querying a single tool to go from one point to the other. He explains how this type of mashups actually kill the ads (and thus an important source of revenue for service providers) since the ads displayed for the composing services do not appear in the final...

Live from the 2nd Workshop on Mashups, Enterprise Mashups and Lightweight (goood! ;-)) Composition on the Web (MEM 2009) 2,888

Live from the 2nd Workshop on Mashups, Enterprise Mashups and Lightweight (goood! ;-)) Composition on the Web (MEM 2009)

Mashups encapsulate this idea of making integration of service easier so that even normal people (i.e. not complete-geeks) can create small ad-hoc apps on top of services on the Web. We’d like to apply this approach to things so that you can for example, make your alarm clock talk to your toaster (e.g. I’m waking up, prepare my toats) without going into FPGA or PLC programming! Thus, we sent a paper at this (according to colleagues) state-of-the-art workshop on mashups. The paper got accepted and here am I, at WWW 2009 and live blogging the workshop for our beloved visitors...

Web of Things Talk at Synetgies 2,824

Web of Things Talk at Synetgies

Hi folks! For those who live in Zurich (Switzerland…) or nearby we are going to give a talk as guest of the Synetgies organization. In particular the talk will focus on our smart unified gateways for devices which do not have IP/HTTP capabilities yet. We will also demonstrate some of our prototypes such as the Energie Visible and physical mashups using the Sun SPOT platform. The session is going to take place in room HG E 33.3 at ETH Zurich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich. The session will start at 7.15 pm. After the session we’ll go to a bar for...

Keynotes at Lift: David Rose 2,299

Keynotes at Lift: David Rose

Great pleasure to be able to attend another talk from David Rose from Ambient Devices and Vitality Inc. Instead of a pure transcription I’ll try to sum up some aspects of the talk. Note that does not entirely reflect what Dave meant but rather my interpretation of the talk. Dave began by talking about clairvoyance and magics. He explained how they materialized these chimers into the well-known Orb which changes its color according to a trend. Dave then explained how ambient devices where between push and pull technologies, how they should be peripherial and seamless with the environment(s). He explained...

Liveblog – Internet des Objets workshop 3,964

Liveblog – Internet des Objets workshop

Today, Dominique and I went to Sierre for a meeting on the Internet of Things. It was hosted by at the technoark at Sierre and their activities. It’s a startup incubator with around 10 statups working on ICTs. Daniel Kaplan introduced the IoT. Cameras are a rich sensors that shall be integrated, on top of which different applications could be run (motion and people recognition). The Web came out from its virtual world and is integrating real objects. This brought us to the concept of cities? It’s about public places and the notion of information sharing, who is able to...