Tagged: social


International Open Data Day on Saturday

Our friend Hannes is using the excuse of the International Open Data Day this saturday to catch up and work on the Urban Data Challenge (February 6 – March 31) projects kicked off at Lift Conference 13 (plus inspire everyone who was not there to start one too!). They will have a video conference with the teams in San Francisco, and tune in to all the Open Data happenings around the world this weekend. People from the Make.Opendata.ch community will be present to give a scoop on their upcoming Open Finance hackathon in Bern, and future open data events in...


Important announcement – we joined EVRYTHNG Ltd.

Dear readers, today we have an important announcement to make: we both finished our PhDs, so are now officially “doctors” ;). But the important part is that we’ve teamed up with entrepreneurs Niall Murphy (founder of WiFi network The Cloud, acquired by BSkyB last year) and Andy Hobsbawm (founder of Online Magic, which later became Agency.com) to form a very cool venture called EVRYTHNG, that is working in the area of Web of Things! You bet! Dom has taken upon the role of Chief Technology Officer, while mine is Chief Product Officer. EVRYTHNG is funded by the awesome Atomico (Skype’s Niklas...


Hackathon and planning

As Dom recently mentioned, we are not abandoning WoT, on the contrary, we are currently planning our next move after our graduation in the next few months (most likely in the entrepreneurial world, so if you have plans/offers/funding/ideas, we’re all ears and evaluating how we can best leverage our WoT know how). But until then, we’re both just damn busy writing our dissertation 🙁 and preparing WoT 2011 workshop 🙂

When “Dumb” Things Join the WoT: The Art of Barcode Scanning 1,029

When “Dumb” Things Join the WoT: The Art of Barcode Scanning

Ok, so we talked a lot about integrating sensor nodes to the Web, then about integrating home appliances to the Web or about integrating industrial machines to the Web. How about simple, dumb, traditional objects? Well the community is working on it! As an example, one of our latest projects is to Web-enable the global RFID networks (EPC) so that every RFID-tagged object becomes a true citizen of the World Wide Web (see our paper at IoT 2010). I’ll tell you more about this project soon but meanwhile I want to talk about even more dumb objects: those tagged with...


Implementing a Social Web of Things

There are still many challenges to face towards a Web of Things: discovery, search, scalability, event driven interactions and sharing. For the last few month we’ve been focusing on the latter, because let’s face it: if you do not have a mechanism to share your Web-enabled things it is not really worth having them Web-enabled in the first place! Core to the Web of Things vision there is this idea of the physical world as a “composable ecosystem” where devices can be used and re-used simply to create emerging applications, i.e. physical mashups. Well, the success of Web mashups is...

Web of Things Session at PICNIC ’09 – Call for Demos 1,147

Web of Things Session at PICNIC ’09 – Call for Demos

We finally received the green light to organize a special session at PICNIC on the 24th September in Amsterdam. It will entitled “New Innovation Models for the Web of Things“, and here is the abstract: The popularity of open source hardware and software, along with the openness and sharing ideals behind Web 2.0, is transforming the creation and manufacturing process for consumer devices. As more and more tiny computers are being connected to the Web, new methods and tools are needed to create applications that leverage the connectedness of the physical world. Unlike the Internet of Things where the focus...

Towards the WOT Manifesto 1,678

Towards the WOT Manifesto

I’m taking a couple of days off in Romania, to chill out and reorganize my brain. We’ve been so busy working with Dom lately that we barely had time for WOT, and even less for getting our work done. Mainly tons of papers, meetings, talks, and barely no time to hack/code, and that kind of sucks. We both agreed that in the coming months, we’ll cut off random unproductive activities, to really focus on our work and building the Web of Things. I’ve notice that all the people I talk to not really understand what WOT is about, and for...

Poken: review quickie 1,271

Poken: review quickie

I’ve been meaning to write a quick review of my experience with Poken at LIFT conference. Poken is a small toy/gadet/figurine/whatever that has some near field connectivity (something like an active RFID) in it. The point is that when you meet somebody who also has a Poken you high-five your two figurines together (high-four actually, it missed a limb as it’s not human), and then you’re best friend forever on all your social networks at once. We got a sort of strippeddown Pokens for free as part of our LIFT badges, which I found to be a really awesome idea...

Building the Web of Things (WOT) Community 810

Building the Web of Things (WOT) Community

Dear all, Ok, Vlad and I have interesting (almost ;-)) things to say to the world but we are certainly not the only ones thinking about the Web of Things. Thus, the need to make this platform a … platform and not a two-man-show. A first step towards this goal is to start building a community of interested people. For that matter we added two widgets to the blog: WOTA COMMUNITY which is a Google Friends Connect community widget and WOTA CHAT! a chat box accessible to those who registered on the WOT COMMUNITY widget. We evaluated a number of...