Tagged: london


Supporting ThingMonk 2016 & IoT Diversity Program

In the early days of the IoT there were a handful of conferences you had to attend every year. Most of these early birds are still in play such as Ubicomp & Pervasive, ACM IoT, RFID Journal Live, O’Reilly Solid or smaller ones such as the very fine Sketching in Hardware or our very own WoT Workshop (edition 2016 taking place real soon!). Things have changed however, with the IoT developing at light speed, conferences and events started to mushroom. There isn’t a city that isn’t organizing it’s dozen of IoT events every month. This is all a bit overwhelming...

Homecamp anyone? 753

Homecamp anyone?

We’ll be going (okay, I’ll be going) to homecamp this saturday in London and hopefully present a quick and dirty demo of what we’re currently doing a with some real devices. Of course, we were supposed to have the LHC with us and a crew of flash programmers to do a kick ass-demo. But we didn’t. So I’ll just bring a “work in progress fast prototype” of what we have currently to show the potentials of WOT (such as some rfid-enabled websites, a physical mashup of energy consumption, and some curl to get data from sensor nets). There were supposed...