Tagged: liftconference


Big data and smart cities

I didn’t blog much in the last months as I was fortunate enough to spend the second half of 2010 as a researcher at the MIT SENSEable City Lab. I spent most of my time working on the LIVE Singapore! project (and living between Boston and Singapore), in particular exploring the “so what?” aspect of WoT – that is how to actually build something useful on top of all these sensors. This project is very timely and matches wonderfully with what’s happening right now in the data.gov and smart cities spheres.

LIFT Workshop – FULL (and cool!!) 416

LIFT Workshop – FULL (and cool!!)

We just finished our LIFT workshop, and it WAS GREAT! Tons of interesting people from all around joined us (too many of them, so sorry for those we had to throw out). We started with a short introduction by Alexandra, Dominique, and Me about the past and the future of the internet of things. [Alex’s presentation coming soon] UPDATE: it’s here Alex’s presentation: Shhh, they’re listening, a subjective history of the Internet of Things View more presentations from Alexandra Deschamps-sonsino. (tags: lift09wot internetofthings) Dom’s presentation: From the Internet of Things to a Web of Things View more presentations from Dominique...