Tagged: business


WoT 2011: Program

In a little more than a week (12.06.2011) we will kick-start the second international workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2011). 2011 is the year of many WoT realizations and this is reflected in the, we believe, rather thrilling program of WoT 2011. Here is a brief preview of WoT is to expect 😉


Architecting the Internet of Things has a Book

Dear readers, First of all let us apologize for the infrequent posts. We are both in “final PhD writing mode” which is a rather time-consuming activity right in a time where the Web of Things is getting a real hot topic! 😉 Hence, only a small post to point you to a book. In an earlier post, we presented the Web of Things cookbook, which is in fact part of a book that just got published called: “Architecting the Internet of Things”.

Rapid Development of Spreadsheet-based Web Mashups 267

Rapid Development of Spreadsheet-based Web Mashups

The first talk of the day I decided to attend is from Woralak Kongdenfha from the University of South Wales, I had the chance to talk to Woralak yesterday about this concept of using Excel as a Mashup platform. I’ve been quite into (physical) mashups lately and I quite liked the idea since Excel is certainly a tool that people (at least from a business or IT field) massively understand. They probably understand it better than novel mashup editors such as Yahoo Pipes and co. Woralak starts by explaining that they devices to use Excel as a mashup platform exactly...

Towards an Advertising Business Model for Composable Web Services 77

Towards an Advertising Business Model for Composable Web Services

Michiaki Tatsubori from IBM presents: Towards an Advertising Business Model for Composable Web Services. Internet advertising is still really growing, slowly advertisers drift from traditional media like TV to the web where customization is more accessible. Michiaki presents an example of a mashup service that consume several public transportation timetables to enable users querying a single tool to go from one point to the other. He explains how this type of mashups actually kill the ads (and thus an important source of revenue for service providers) since the ads displayed for the composing services do not appear in the final...