Category: Technology

Google Web Toolkit and Netbeans 620

Google Web Toolkit and Netbeans

A few days ago I started experimenting with the Google Web Toolkit module for the Netbeans IDE a rather nice module that lets you develop GWT code directly in your (at least mine!) very favorite IDE. The biggest benefit is free code completion and tagets for building and debugging your application. A few remarks thought, when trying to integrate the awesome OFCGWT chart library in my application I had to face two problems. First of all the GWT4NB tutorial on says you should use the 1.4 java compiler because the GWT does not support Java EE 1.5. Well I’m...

Giving some REST to your C++ code: embedding the SHTTPD server. 1,004

Giving some REST to your C++ code: embedding the SHTTPD server.

Wanting to turn the Ploggs, into more RESTful devices, I needed to add a web server (HTTP) to the C++ code managing the Ploggs. After comparing and trying a number of lightweight web servers (Apache was not an option for this kind of small app) I picked SHTTPD, mainly because: It was one of the few I managed to embed in my C++ code (I’m not a C expert…) It offered the possibility of registering call back methods when a particular URL is called, which makes it a quite good candidate for a REST interface. Here is how I did...