Category: Research

This is our research part, where we talk about scientific projects. Really about what other people are doing in labs.

IoT 2021 – The IoT conference where it all started…

Hi all, It’s this time of the year again: the submission for papers at the 11th International Conference on the Internet of Things is open. We encourage you to submit your WoT papers there as this conference has had a long standing of attracting WoT researchers since it’s start 11 years ago! ============================================================ 1st Call for Papers (Deadline, Monday, August 23, 2021 (23:59 AoE) 11th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2021) St Gallen, Switzerland (and virtually). ACM (SIGCHI) In-Cooperation event ============================================================ With the advent of digitalization and communicating physical objects such as machines and vehicles, the...


Teaching the Web of Things at MIT

The world has changed quite a bit since in 2007 a handful of researchers (yours truly included) got together to talk about the need for working on the application layer of the Internet of Things, aka the Web of Things: The Web of Things is a refinement of the Internet of Things by integrating smart things not only into the Internet (network), but into the Web Architecture (application). @domguinard @vladounet What once seemed a rather sub-optimal idea has now grown into being a de-facto standard for connected products in the IoT. As a result of increasing research and industry interest...


What is the Web of Things?

Note: this article was first published in the IoT Technica Curiosa magazine. The Internet of Things – IoT for short – is here to stay and to change our world for the better. This grand vision depicts a world where people, buildings, and physical objects are connected to a single and common network. Bottles of soda, lighting systems, cars and everything in between can provide services and exchange data with each other. You might have noticed that the Internet of Things feels very much like an Intranet of Things: to interact with 10 different devices from your phone, you have...


Supporting ThingMonk 2016 & IoT Diversity Program

In the early days of the IoT there were a handful of conferences you had to attend every year. Most of these early birds are still in play such as Ubicomp & Pervasive, ACM IoT, RFID Journal Live, O’Reilly Solid or smaller ones such as the very fine Sketching in Hardware or our very own WoT Workshop (edition 2016 taking place real soon!). Things have changed however, with the IoT developing at light speed, conferences and events started to mushroom. There isn’t a city that isn’t organizing it’s dozen of IoT events every month. This is all a bit overwhelming...


WoT 2016: Seventh International Workshop on the Web of Things

It’s our pleasure to announce the WoT 2016, the seventh edition of the international workshop on the Web of Things. WoT was the first workshop on the topic and where much of the WoT was born, it bootstrapped the community and is definitely the place where WoT researchers and practitioners meet. We look forward to receiving your paper submissions until September 19 and to meeting many of you there! CALL FOR PAPERS – Seventh International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2016) Held in conjunction with IoT 2016, Stuttgart, Germany, November 7-9, 2016. Official workshop site: Abstract Continuing...


Free book: Using the Web to Build the IoT

As we speak, “Building the Web of Things”, the world’s first Web of Things book, is in preparation to be printed. Since Vlad and I just couldn’t wait idling we decided to embark on another book adventure: Manning approached us with a great idea, a free e-book (yes free as in free beer!) about the Internet of Things! The very idea of this book is to be a collection of chapters borrowed from other books that will form a basis of technologies that will have a fundamental influence on what the IoT will become! Indeed, the Internet of Things offers...


Web of Things vs Internet of Things: 1/2

In this series of articles, excerpted from the first few chapters of our shiny new book: Building the Web of Things, we wanted to clarify what is the difference between the Internet of Things and the Web of Things, should there be one. Let’s put it straight first: the pun was intended! We always used the term Web of Things and opposed it to the Internet of Things to provoke a little but for a good cause: raising the awareness on the need for protocols to converge at the application layer. In the first part (a cross-post of our DZONE...


ICWE Goes WoT!

As researchers we got to attend a number of computer science and in particular Web conferences. The International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE for the insiders!) was one we particularly enjoyed attending thanks to the quality of papers, talks and networking opportunities for all things Web. Hence, it is our pleasure to see that one of the big topics of ICWE2016 will be the Web of Things. In particular the organizers are looking for contributions along the lines of: Applications, Use cases, and Experiences with Web of Things systems Cloud platforms and services for the Web of Things Context recognition...


What’s in HTTP/2 for the Internet of Things? 1/2

If you followed this blog you probably know that the motto of the Web of Things community is to re-use Web protocols to build a truly interoperable Application Layer for the Internet of Things. One of the key protocols we are talking about is HTTP currently massively deployed on the Web in its 1.1 version. HTTP/1.1 is a great protocol when used correctly to build Web Services as illustrated in this book! However, it dates back from 1999. Remember this time? Back then we were using Windows 95, wired phones to call each other and the IoT term had just...


6th International Workshop on the Web of Things: WoT 2015

After a successful 5 years anniversary in 2014 it is our pleasure to announce that the International Web of Things workshop (#wot2015) will take place this year again, submissions are now open so hurry up, craft your best WoT papers and submit them. As usual, the WoT Workshop will take place collocated with the IEEE IoT conference, one of the first and most successful IoT conference out there: CALL FOR PAPERS – Sixth International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2015) in conjunction with IoT 2015, Seoul, South Korea, October 26-28, 2015. * Workshop Abstract Continuing the successful Web of Things...