Tagged: zurich


International Open Data Day on Saturday

Our friend Hannes is using the excuse of the International Open Data Day this saturday to catch up and work on the Urban Data Challenge (February 6 – March 31) projects kicked off at Lift Conference 13 (plus inspire everyone who was not there to start one too!). They will have a video conference with the teams in San Francisco, and tune in to all the Open Data happenings around the world this weekend. People from the Make.Opendata.ch community will be present to give a scoop on their upcoming Open Finance hackathon in Bern, and future open data events in...

Web of Things Talk at Synetgies 200

Web of Things Talk at Synetgies

Hi folks! For those who live in Zurich (Switzerland…) or nearby we are going to give a talk as guest of the Synetgies organization. In particular the talk will focus on our smart unified gateways for devices which do not have IP/HTTP capabilities yet. We will also demonstrate some of our prototypes such as the Energie Visible and physical mashups using the Sun SPOT platform. The session is going to take place in room HG E 33.3 at ETH Zurich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich. The session will start at 7.15 pm. After the session we’ll go to a bar for...