Tagged: wot2011


WoT 2011: Program

In a little more than a week (12.06.2011) we will kick-start the second international workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2011). 2011 is the year of many WoT realizations and this is reflected in the, we believe, rather thrilling program of WoT 2011. Here is a brief preview of WoT is to expect 😉


Hackathon and planning

As Dom recently mentioned, we are not abandoning WoT, on the contrary, we are currently planning our next move after our graduation in the next few months (most likely in the entrepreneurial world, so if you have plans/offers/funding/ideas, we’re all ears and evaluating how we can best leverage our WoT know how). But until then, we’re both just damn busy writing our dissertation 🙁 and preparing WoT 2011 workshop 🙂


WoT Workshop: Deadline Extension

A very brief post to announce that the deadline for submitting papers to the Web of Things workshop was extended to the February 11, 2011. Meanwhile we are also organizing some nice add-ons to the workshop like a hack-camp, some nice products demonstrations, a best paper award and hopefully a nice dinner so that we can all strategize together about the future of the Web of Things! So, you have one more week to submit your papers, we look forward to read your papers!