Tagged: sensors


Free book: Using the Web to Build the IoT

As we speak, “Building the Web of Things”, the world’s first Web of Things book, is in preparation to be printed. Since Vlad and I just couldn’t wait idling we decided to embark on another book adventure: Manning approached us with a great idea, a free e-book (yes free as in free beer!) about the Internet of Things! The very idea of this book is to be a collection of chapters borrowed from other books that will form a basis of technologies that will have a fundamental influence on what the IoT will become! Indeed, the Internet of Things offers...


Implementing a Social Web of Things

There are still many challenges to face towards a Web of Things: discovery, search, scalability, event driven interactions and sharing. For the last few month we’ve been focusing on the latter, because let’s face it: if you do not have a mechanism to share your Web-enabled things it is not really worth having them Web-enabled in the first place! Core to the Web of Things vision there is this idea of the physical world as a “composable ecosystem” where devices can be used and re-used simply to create emerging applications, i.e. physical mashups. Well, the success of Web mashups is...