Tagged: metering

Open Energy Monitor 281

Open Energy Monitor

From the original website: This is a project to develop and build a free and open source energy monitor. Energy monitoring is a key technology in building a bright and smart sustainable future. An Energy monitor is a device that enables you to look at your energy use in detail, which appliances use the most energy and when they use it. This makes using energy more efficiently easier. Definitely a cool initiative and I would love seeing more projects like this one.

Homecamp recap 646

Homecamp recap

As mentioned in some previous post, I attended a couple of weeks ago homecamp in London. The event was awesome and I had good times discussing with the folks over there. I loved the un-conference form as it allows people to show up, set up a demo (like I did ), do a talk (like I did). On the other hand, as it is very chaotic we don’t really know what’s going on and when. I wished to have had the opportunity to discuss more in detail with the people in a more relaxed way, though. Thanks for the organizers...

Keynotes at Lift: David Rose 15

Keynotes at Lift: David Rose

Great pleasure to be able to attend another talk from David Rose from Ambient Devices and Vitality Inc. Instead of a pure transcription I’ll try to sum up some aspects of the talk. Note that does not entirely reflect what Dave meant but rather my interpretation of the talk. Dave began by talking about clairvoyance and magics. He explained how they materialized these chimers into the well-known Orb which changes its color according to a trend. Dave then explained how ambient devices where between push and pull technologies, how they should be peripherial and seamless with the environment(s). He explained...

Are you Energy-Efficient? Sense it the Web Way!

Just felt like sharing with you one of our latest prototype which we created for a private foundation working in the field of energy awareness and sustainability in Switzerland called Cudrefin02. I think that a major burden for people, who want to save energy at home, is for them to identify how much energy is consumed by different appliances. How much does my computer consume in operation / when it is powered off? Is the consumption of my energy-saving lamp significantly lower in the long run than the normal lamp I’ve got there? Such questions are key to understand where...