Tagged: gwt

Are you Energy-Efficient? Sense it the Web Way!

Just felt like sharing with you one of our latest prototype which we created for a private foundation working in the field of energy awareness and sustainability in Switzerland called Cudrefin02. I think that a major burden for people, who want to save energy at home, is for them to identify how much energy is consumed by different appliances. How much does my computer consume in operation / when it is powered off? Is the consumption of my energy-saving lamp significantly lower in the long run than the normal lamp I’ve got there? Such questions are key to understand where...

Google Web Toolkit and Netbeans 631

Google Web Toolkit and Netbeans

A few days ago I started experimenting with the Google Web Toolkit module for the Netbeans IDE a rather nice module that lets you develop GWT code directly in your (at least mine!) very favorite IDE. The biggest benefit is free code completion and tagets for building and debugging your application. A few remarks thought, when trying to integrate the awesome OFCGWT chart library in my application I had to face two problems. First of all the GWT4NB tutorial on Netbeans.org says you should use the 1.4 java compiler because the GWT does not support Java EE 1.5. Well I’m...