Tagged: edison

embedded-platforms 3,721

Operating Systems for IoT Embedded Systems

This post is an excerpt of the Chapter 4 of “Getting Started with Embedded Systems” in Building the Web of Things, a Manning book by Dominique Guinard and Vlad Trifa. There are two broad categories of physical objects in the Web of Things: tagged objects and connected objects. The first category comprises various tagging technologies that are attached to a product, such as barcodes, QR codes, NFC or RFID tags, IR/AR and so on. In this case, objects are not directly connected to the web but only passively, because there’s a need for another device or application to interact with...


Node.js, GPIO and the Raspberry Pi

http://ice-station.com.mx This post is an excerpt of the Chapter 4 “Getting Started with Embedded Systems” in Building the Web of Things, a Manning book by Dominique Guinard and Vlad Trifa. In a previous post we talked about the increasing importance of Node.js for embedded systems in the IoT but we didn’t have a concrete look at what using Node.js on an embedded device looked like. In this post we’ll look at what it means for the Raspberry Pi. Installing Node.js on a Raspberry Pi The first step is to install Node on your Pi. The latest versions of Raspbian (the...