Hi all,
It’s this time of the year again: the submission for papers at the 11th International Conference on the Internet of Things is open. We encourage you to submit your WoT papers there as this conference has had a long standing of attracting WoT researchers since it’s start 11 years ago!
1st Call for Papers (Deadline, Monday, August 23, 2021 (23:59 AoE)
11th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2021)
St Gallen, Switzerland (and virtually).
ACM (SIGCHI) In-Cooperation event
With the advent of digitalization and communicating physical objects such as machines and vehicles, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become an exciting field of research encompassing pervasive computing, cyber-physical systems, and information and communication technologies. Particular challenges include the understanding of IoT application demands and novel network traffic types, low-latency and reliable communication, and integrating and mediating Things within intelligent systems, where IoT technologies are potential catalysts. In addition, a better understanding of impending social and societal impacts is vital to the success of the IoT.
Topics of Interest
IoT 2021 solicits original, high impact research papers on all topics related to the development and adoption of the Internet of Things – topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• IoT Architectures
• AI and Machine Learning for the IoT
• Web of Things including Hypermedia Agents for the IoT
• New IoT Communication Technologies
• Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in IoT
• Sensing, Signal Processing, Actuation and Analytics in Small and Large-scale pilots
• Security and Privacy in the IoT
• Human Interaction with the IoT
• (Syntactic/Semantic) Interoperability in the IoT
• Distributed Ledger Technologies for the IoT
• Real-world Deployments, and Testbeds
• Novel Applications of the IoT in Verticals (e.g., industrial, rural, business processes, etc.)
• Societal Impacts and Ethical Implications of the IoT
Submission Information
Papers must be submitted via the EasyChair (https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=iot20210) conference system, written in English and contain original material that has not been published or is currently undergoing review elsewhere. Papers should not exceed 8 pages, short papers are limited to 4 pages, including figures and references. The paper layout should follow the ACM SIGCHI conference format. Papers will be peer-reviewed by three experts from the technical program committee following a double-blind review process. The papers will be selected based on technical novelty, integrity of the analysis, and practical relevance and potential impact. Accepted papers will be listed on DBLP and published via the ACM Digital Library. Cases of plagiarism or multiple submissions will be subject to disciplinary action as per ACM rules and regulations, and no-shows at the conference will result in an exclusion from the ACM Digital Library. Authors of selected papers might be invite!
d to extend their contributions for inclusion in journal special issues under consideration.
Important Dates
– Abstract Registration Deadline: Aug 16, 2021 (23:59 AoE)
– Paper submission deadline: Monday, August 23, 2021 (23:59 AoE)
– Notifications: Monday, October 4, 2021 (23:59 AoE)
– Camera-ready papers deadline: Monday, October 18, 2021 (23:59 AoE)
– Conference: November 8-12, 2021
Other Sessions
Apart from the main track, interested authors may submit their work to the Doctoral Consortium, Poster and Demo session, or arrange a collocated Workshop.
Organizing Committee
• Diego Casado Mansilla (University of Deusto)
• Kimberly Garcia (University of St.Gallen)
• Fatima Zohra Benhamida (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique)
• Simon Mayer (University of St.Gallen)
• Barbara Weber (University of St.Gallen)
• Federica Cena, University of Turin (Italy)
• Krzysztof Janowicz, UC Santa Barbara (USA)
• Marc Langheinrich, USI (Switzerland)
• Simon Mayer, University of St.Gallen (Switzerland)
• Florian Michahelles, Vienna University of Technology (Austria)
• Matthias Kovatsch, Huawei Research (Germany)
• Jun Murai, Keio University (Japan)
• Albrecht Schmidt, LMU Munich (Germany)
• Stefan Schneegass (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Best regards,
Diego Casado-Mansilla
Kimberly Garcia
Fatima Z. Benhamida