132 Search results

For the term "REST".

The International Workshop on the Web of Things is Back!

After WoT 2010 in Mannheim, WoT 2011 in San Fransisco, we are happy to announce WoT 2012 co-located with Pervasive 2012 in Newcastle, UK. Over the last few years, WoT has profiled itself as a major event for the Web of Things community and we can’t wait to see y’all there once again. So, get your ideas/projects/prototypes ready, set, submit! 😉 CALL FOR PAPERS – Third International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2012) in conjunction with Pervasive 2012, Newcastle, June 18-22, 2012. Paper submission deadline: March 9, 2012 Notification of acceptance: April 2, 2012 Camera-ready papers due: April...

Web of Things Application Architecture 7,421

PhD Thesis: A Web of Things Application Architecture

Thesis Download | Citation Key | Presentation News: This PhD Thesis was awarded with an ETH Medal. As the eternal second (although my thesis was finished first ;-P), I’m following Vlad’s great idea to make the final version of my thesis available to you, WoTters! Vlad and I were always pretty complementary in building our shared vision of the Web of Things. As such, my thesis is focusing more on the “software engineering” aspects of the Web of Things. I’d like to see it as a cookbook for implementing the Web of Things in such a way that for every...


Cookie Time!

A side effect of running the Web of Things blog is to get a daily number of “request for articles” (i.e., requests for free advertisement on your blog of my product). Most of them are totally completely and entirely unrelated to the Web of Things (and Vlad has a pretty interesting standard reply-mail for these ;-P) but once in a while you get a little pearl that is definitely worth talking about. We got two of those lately: one being rather serious, the other being awesomely delicious! Let me share the latter with you today and keep the other for...


A Web of Things Application Architecture

Here, we go: Vlad and I both defended our PhDs a few days, respectively weeks ago. We will certainly soon share the content of our respective written thesis (we currently look into making a book out of the two, any interested publisher out there?) but meanwhile I wanted to share the content of my final presentation (aka PhD defense).


Ambient Things on the Internet – ATI 2011

A few days ago, this call for paper was brought to my attention (thanks to Marino Linaje). It has two interesting aspects: 1) It is quite close to the CFP of WoT, the International Workshop on the Web of Things. 2) It was initiated by people from the service/Web communities which shows the increasing interest in the topic on the Web-side of Things (WoT was slightly more on the Things-side of Things, i.e., ubiquitous/pervasive computing).


WoT 2011: Program

In a little more than a week (12.06.2011) we will kick-start the second international workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2011). 2011 is the year of many WoT realizations and this is reflected in the, we believe, rather thrilling program of WoT 2011. Here is a brief preview of WoT is to expect 😉


EPC Cloud: Simplifying the Internet of Things Thanks to Web Patterns: HTML 5 Websockets (Part 2/3)

Part 1: Cloud & REST | Part 2: HTML5 WebSockets | Part 3: Physical Mashups In a recent post, we were explaining how in a project common to MIT and ETH Zurich, we simplified deployments of IoT applications based on the EPC Global standards. We operated this simplification by applying four of the Web of Things patterns: Cloud Computing, RESTful Interface, Real-Time Web and Physical Mashups. In the first related post we described how we used Cloud Computing and RESTful Interfaces. It is now time to talk a little bit more about one of the other pattern: the Real-Time Web.